💛Xmas Prompt : Snowball Fight with Mitch

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"Ah! Fuck!" Mitch dropped the snowball he was holding, frantically wiping the cold snow off his face, "Y/n!! You said you wouldn't aim for the hair!"

You placed down your snowball to hold your stomach from laughing. Mitch may have been the Ultimate Soccer Player, but his aim was terrible. Granted, he could completely destroy you if he just kicked the snowballs at you, but any snowball hard enough that wouldn't break when colliding with his foot wasn't something he wanted to hit you with.

Yeah, he started this, taking around five snowballs just to hit you that first time, but he didn't want to actually hurt you. This whole thing was originally a dare from Haruhiko, and he was happy to spend time with you.

"You'll pay for that!" He yelled, throwing a snowball at you with the accuracy of a toddler.

"I'm so scared." You effortlessly landed a snowball onto his shoulder, making him stagger back behind a tree. It felt like he hit you once for every ten snowballs he threw, to the point where you almost thought he was letting you win.

As you created more ammo, you listened for the thuds of Mitch's snowballs failing to hit you again, but instead you were met with silence.

"...? Mitch? Are you-"

The air was briefly knocked out of your lungs as his hands wrapped around you, pulling you down into the snowball pile with him.

"Shouldn't have let your guard down! Ha!"

"That's cheating!"

"All's fair in fights and dating." He gloated.

"That's not how the saying goes." You chuckled a bit. He let go of you, the absence of warmth making you shiver. With the both of you lying side my side in the snow, you tugged his scarf and pulled him into a kiss.

"...Hey, Mitch?"


"You shouldn't have let your guard down."

He yelped as you planted a snowball in his hair, quickly trying to wipe it away.

With speckles of snow littering his hair again, he couldn't help but laugh a bit. One of the few times he could put his ego to the side for you. Despite the snow you two were throwing at each other as the snowball fight began anew, neither of you had ever felt warmer.

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