💜Animal Tamer S/o

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Kanade Otonokoji: 

Your animals are scared of her- 

You didn't know why, when you introduced yourself despite them trying to drag you away, Kanade seemed like a sweet girl! 

You and Kanade caught feelings and despite Kanade's multiple attempts to charm them, they all tried to keep you away, even sabotaging your dates

It was just so out of character for them...

It broke your heart when some of your furry and feathered friends went missing or dropped dead suddenly, but you were comforted by your sweet girlfriend

Who loved to walked them for you and even made homemade treats for them!

Hibiki Otonokoji: 

Is a mix of confused, intrigued, and terrified

"AAAH! K-Kanade! That person's got a bear..!"

Kanade tries to keep her away, but the two of you eventually introduce yourselves and connect almost immediately 

For some reason, your animals get extremely protective when Kanade is around, so Hibiki usually spends time with you by herself

She won't ever admit that she secretly gives your pets extra treats behind your back, or that she loves when they cuddle up to her and you

Either way, you do try to get close with her sister as she gets closer to your animals, but something about Kanade....

With your array of bodyguards, you're Kanade's toughest enemy yet, but she's not one to give up easily

Yoruko Kabuya: 

Kinda scared of your animals at first, but she does try to talk to you

Your animals don't mind her too much, and she grows fond of them all

She remembers a majority of their names but messes up every now and then 

Like Hibiki, she'll never admit the fact that she loves petting your soft animals and feeding them


Sora was very confused and surprised when she first saw you

How do you have so many pets??

Your animals seem confused by her, and it takes a while before they decide whether they like her or not

Oddly enough, she's very good at taking care of them, and the two of you wonder if it has anything to do with her talent

She makes an effort to learn their names, and as you two get together, they learn to accept her

Setsuka Chiebukuro: 

Your animals loved her at first sight

They probably loved her more than you did-

She basically adopted them all, but not you for some reason-

She later realized that it was because she likes you more than that

She gets you some roses, candy, and some treats for all the animals and confesses to you

You guys are the literal parents of the animals and they all love you

You and Setsuka go on walks on the beach with them, play with them, cuddle with them, and even try to go on rides with them

Emma Magorobi:

She's the ultimate actress, so while she seemed calm on the outside, she was terrified that there were exotic and dangerous animals right in front of her along with the hottest/cutest person she's ever seen

When you reassure her that they won't hurt her, she'll softly pet a few, but she won't let any of the birds near her hair

The animals were a bit wiry of her at first because she's literally wearing a fur coat, but quickly grew to love her

Also Animal puns




Kokoro Mitsume: 

You're animals were... unsure how to feel about her

She was just so mysterious and calculating

She wasn't afraid to approach you, given how your body language showed no fear and the animals were docile

She didn't confess to you until she saw you developed feelings for her, so until then she was patient with you

She managed to memorize the names of every animal as well as their favorite treats, so she won them over pretty quickly

She doesn't mind if a tiger or lion rests on her lap while she's on her iPad, so sometimes she enjoys the animal's company even without you (Not that she'll ever admit it) 

Iroha Nijue: 

She was terrified of you when she first saw you

She would do almost anything to avoid being within a ten foot radius of you

The second she saw teeth was a hell no for her

You approached her yourself, complimenting her on a sketch she was working on, and for few moments, she completely forgot the fact that you have multiple ferocious bodyguards 

The two of you seemed to really hit it off, and by the time she realized that you had your friends with you, it was too late

She had already fallen for you

She painted portraits for your animals to try and get on their good side even if she can't remember their names, and held up paintings of you so they wouldn't attack

The birds would try to nest in her head every now and then, but besides that they left her alone as she confessed her feelings

She still sometimes has nightmares of one of your bears swallowing her whole

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