❤️Struggling to open soda can for S/o, just for Kanata to open it instead

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Ask: Saw this from a other imagine ask blog imagine DRA Boys struggling to open a soda bottle for there S/O only to somehow fails no matter how much they try only for someone else unexpected*Cough*Kanata*cough* opens it for them easily

Teruya Otori: 

Everyone sees him for being short and weak, so he's happy that you're trusting him to be stronger than you, even if it's for something so simple

Don't worry, Y/n! He won't let you dow-



God damn it-

He straight up wrestles it for a moment, and would probably start shaking the can for some reason

"Hrrgh! A-Almost got it!" 

"Teruya, I can just ask Kana-"

"N-No! I got dis!" He's too concentrated that he doesn't realize that you said Kanata of all people
Just when he starts using his teeth to rip it open, Kanata calmly takes the bottle away and opens it easily

Cue the 0_0 face 


"Thanks Kanata!"

He promises himself to work out more, and the fact that he just got showed up by the only girl in class that is shorter than him keeps him awake at night.

Tsurugi Kinjo: 

When you ask him to open the soda for you, he calmly nods and attempts to open the bottle

Attempts. This man has literally apprehended criminals but can't open this soda can. 

He pulls the cap as hard as he can to no avail, and straight up suggests that you get another drink.

"I just bought this from the vending machine! I'll ask Kanata if she can open it." 

"...Inori? I highly doubt that she has the strength to-"

Kanata pops off the cap in less than a second. 

"...." He just stares in quiet shock for a second. 


Yamato makes fun of him for weeks.

Mitch Higa: 

"That? Ha! Don't worry, Y/n. I got this!"

He in fact did not have it. 

Around five minutes and many angry lines later, after slamming it on the desk (making the whole class stare and watch this) and trying to bite into it, you tell him that you're going to get Kanata the moment he tells you to step back so he can kick it

"What!? Y/n, come on! I've got this!" He thinks you're making fun of him at first, and the rest of the class is honestly thinking the same. 

Kanata nearly had to wrestle it out of his grip, which was already impressive, before easily popping off the cap.


That was the biggest hit to his ego that he's had in a while. The class is laughing at this point, and he's still in shock.

He refused to believe it was anything more than dumb luck or some kind of dream after that.

Haruhiko Kobashikawa: 

He happily takes the bottle from you, eager to show off to his s/o and uses all his might to pop off the cap

Just for the bottle to not even move an inch

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