💝First kiss with S/o

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Kizuna Tomori:

You found yourself gasping in surprise as Kizuna landed a flip in the air followed by a perfect split

The crowd went wild in response, pumping up their fists and cheering Kizuna's name

Kizuna was your best friend, who were you to not join them?

As usual, the team Kizuna was cheering for had won the match, and the crowd continued to chant her name. Kizuna seemed to be sweating by the end of her routine, so you grabbed a bottle of water for her and decided to meet her by the locker rooms. 

You passed by a few of her fellow cheerleaders, who happily greeted you as you complimented them on their routine. 

Still, even after fifteen minutes of waiting outside the locker room, Kizuna didn't come out. You weren't going to barge in in case she was changing, but you were starting to get wor-


The sound of a body hitting metal echoed through the hallway, followed by a yell. Something was happening.

You threw open the door, in case Kizuna had gotten hurt or something.

"Rgh!...Get away from me!"

She wasn't alone, pinned against the lockers by a man you didn't recognize.

The man put his hand on her cheek, to which she abruptly slapped it away. He chuckled in response, before grabbing her shoulders and pushing her again the lockers once again.

"Hey! Get away from her!" You felt yourself shout.

The man snapped his head over to you before throwing his head back with a laugh

"Why should I do that? Why do you even care?" He smirked and cupped her cheek. "I'll let you have seconds." 

You're not a violent person, but your fist sure was. You felt yourself run over to him and right hook the bastard right across the face. He immediately dropped to the floor, holding the spot where you punched him.

"So that's how you want to play!? You little-!"

The man tried to get back up, but Kizuna landed a kick right between his eyes. He screamed in pain for a moment, before looking back at the two of us. Doing the smartest thing he had done so far, he stood up and ran away.

You felt yourself smile as the man ran out the girls locker room door just as reporters and cameramen waited outside to interview Kizuna. The creep would probably find himself on the front page.

"Kizuna, are you oka-"

Kizuna cut you off, grabbing you by the edge of your shirt and pulling you into a kiss.

It was... gentle. And kind. Kizuna had probably kissed over a dozen suitors by now, but this just felt... real.

"...What...was that for...?" You felt yourself whisper, still in a kind of daze.

"As a thank you~"

"F-For what?"

Kizuna paused for a moment, before looking back at you with a genuine, angelic smile.

"For being there." 

Kiyoka Maki:

"It's perfectly safe, Y/n! I promise!"

"I thought you said you've never been on this ride before!"

"Err...well....I haven't, but it wouldn't be here if it wasn't safe!"

You scratched the back of your head, looking back up at the nightmare of a rollercoaster that Kiyoka wanted to go on. 

"...I...are you sure I can't sit this one out?"

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