❤️S/o is damsel in distress in a play, but their Ex is the knight

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Ask: Saw this happen once in a anime but imagine DRA Cast Boys S/O being put in a theater play as the Princess or Prince or In distress and the one who plays the Knight was S/O Cheater Ex who still in love S/O even thought there in a relationship and have move on then during the climax of the play where the Knight kiss S/O the knight remove there Helmet to Reveal to be S/O DRA Boyfriend who had help from there classmate to take the Knight Role from the Cheating Ex

E/n is ex name

Haruhiko Kobashikawa:

Nothing could have excited you more than being able to play the princess/prince in your favorite play of all time!

Haruhiko auditioned for the role as the knight originally because he thought it sounded romantic, even if it was cheesy and he wasn't a great actor

When you read who got the role as the knight, your heart immediately dropped

"Y/n? What's wrong? I thought you got the part!?" 

"Yeah, I did, but..."

You hesitated, not knowing whether to let him be happy for you or totally ruin the moment
Haruhiko stared at you worriedly and you decided to just rip off the bandaid

"I know I probably didn't get the part but-"

"E/n got the role of the knight." 


Your boyfriend looked devastated for a moment, before being straight up pissed.

"Of all people!? It had to be him!?"

"That's right."

The two of you whipped around to see E/n, a cocky grin on his face. Haruhiko wanted nothing more than to punch him. 

"What the hell do you want!?"

"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate Y/n on the role of the princess/prince! Can't wait for our big kissing scene!" 

You shook your head. "Fuck this. I'm switching roles." 

"What!?" The two boys exclaimed. 

"Y/n, you worked so hard for this part, you can't let this asshole ruin it for you!" Haru put a hand on your shoulder.

"Never thought I'd agree with that idiot, but yeah, you can't just quit now." 

"What did you just say!?"

You sighed to yourself. Your boyfriend, not your ex, was right. You had worked too hard for the role just to give it up now.


Here it was, opening night. The day that was supposed to be one of your happiest, you were now dreading. You always refused to kiss your ex during the dress rehearsals, no matter how hard he tried to convince you otherwise. You hated how that lying bastard was ruining something you were looking forward to all year. 

Haru hated it just as much as you did. He hated how you were forced to spend time with a guy that had broken your heart and somehow thought he was still entitled to it. Haruhiko is a simple (and kinda stupid-) guy, who doesn't really come up with complex ideas outside of airplane tricks and video games, but he could make an exception for this, Teruya, Kiyoka and Satsuki by his side.


You were annoyed to say the least. The whole night so far, it seemed like your idiot of an ex could barely remember his lines, always quietly signaling for you to take over. 

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