Chapter 38/ Chapter 17

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"Kacchan? What would you do if I told you I killed someone?"

"I guess I'd ask you why you did it. If it was self defence then that's not that bad whereas if you killed them for no reason then I'll be forced to-"

"A citizen has been found dead, we believe this is the work of our uprising villain, Midoriya Izuku."

"So that's what you did. You became a villain instead of killing yourself."

All he could see what Deku, dressed in his villain attire, covered in blood. Orange flowers stuck to his face and blood was smeared around his lips.

"Careful Kacchan, you don't want to get stabbed now do you?"

Deku lunged towards Katsuki in an effort to stab him. 

"That's mean Kacchan!"

He froze. Deku froze too. Katsuki blinked a few times before the villain Deku started morphing into something else.

The blood slowly disappeared, the flowers disappeared, Deku's outfit changed. 

"I'm not dying! I'm alive! I'm cured!"

"I love you too Kacchan!"

"Promise that you will become the number one hero. Promise me that you'll make me proud." 

The Deku in front of him was the Deku he knew now. The Deku he got to call his. The Deku he just saved from the police and the pro heroes.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Katsuki watched as the Deku changed into the little Deku, and he ran towards the child and hugged him. Tears ran down his face.

"Izuku I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have bullied you! I was scared and stupid, but that doesn't excuse my shitty actions! If I could go back I'd tell myself that being friends with you doesn't make me weak. You're stronger than me and that's okay! I love that about you! I love you!" 

"I love you!" Katsuki screamed as he sat up. 

"Hey? You okay?" Deku asked from next to Katsuki. 

"That was.. a dream?" Katsuki said, looking around in confusion. It was dark, so it was most likely in the middle of the night.

"Must've been one hell of a dream, you were yelling in your sleep," Deku explained, rubbing his eyes. 

"Did I wake you up?" Katsuki asked, and Deku nodded. 

"Yeah, but that's okay I'm used to shitty sleep," Deku said. Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows and stared into space.

"That dream was super fucking weird," Katsuki mumbled, and Deku laughed. 

"Sounded like one of my dreams," Deku said, and Katsuki stared at the green-haired boy. 

"That's what your dreams are like?" Katsuki asked. 

"It sounds similar. I'm normally yelling in my sleep and wake up confused and hot. Though mine are usually about you dying and me not being quick enough to save you. Stuck in an endless loop of my eventual downfall," Deku explains. 

"You didn't die, but you kept shifting between being a villain and now, and being a kid," Katsuki said, and Deku's eyebrows raised. 

"Shit, that sounds horrible. Did I look good at least?" Deku asks, making Katsuki laugh. 

"I love you but you looked like shit before we got together," Katsuki said and Deku lightly punched him in the arm. 

"Didn't have much going for me did I? But fine, if I look like shit in a suit I guess we won't get married," Deku said and Katsuki started waving his arms around. 

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