"How have you been?" Marco questioned kindly as he cooked by the stove.

"Really good actually!" Mira beamed. "Things are looking good for me. I'm learning business skills and I just bought a house—"

"You bought a house?" Luke gasped. "When?"

"A few days ago," Mira replied. "It's my own, you know? Bigger than I wanted but it has everything on my list."

"How much did you pay?" Luke

"Just over two million," Mira answered. "Don't give me that look—"

"It's just unlike you!" Luke argued. "I'm happy for you, really! You deserve it after everything you've given away to charity. You need this."

"I will help you design the perfect kitchen!" Marco clapped. "Italian style, no?"

Mira laughed at him with a pointed look.

"I'm afraid I like the one in there already, it's marble," Mira stated honestly.

Marco pouted as he stirred his Thai fried rice, paying close attention to it. Luke cast his gaze over at him when he smelt it, a delighted look on his face. Mira knew that Luke's favourite food was Thai fried rice and so did Marco.

"If you need help decorating, we're here to help," Luke insisted.

"I chose a house that was styled how Iiked," Mira explained. "Of course, I need to buy furniture because I'm giving Esme ours, she picked most of it anyway...but I really want to decorate my room and a games room."

"Well, we're here when you need us," Luke nodded. "Have you told Mike?"

"No," Mira blurted.

Marco raised an eyebrow.

"Is that because he's an egotistical man-child who thinks that raising you means he can chose every single thing you do with your life?" The Italian commented smoothly. "Or is it jealously because you are more successful?"

While Mira's eyes widened in surprise, Luke appeared smug with his partner's words. Mira wasn't aware that Marco felt that way towards her brother and despite the fact his words were partly true, it was strange hearing it from the Italian.

"I haven't told him because...okay Marco, you're right," Mira complained

Marco let out a small, "Yay" as he cooked.

"Mira, was buying a house an impulse? I don't doubt your decisions but I also know you," Luke questioned.

"No, I've been thinking about it for months but I was too scared to do it," Mira admitted. "Then one day, my neighbourhoods were being so loud that I just snapped."

Before Luke could reply, Mira's phone began to vibrate. It was resting on the table in front of them both and Luke could clearly see the name Lando Norris :) on screen. Luke smiled softly.

"Go on," He nodded.

Mira picked up the phone and bit her lip, accepting the face time. Lando's face appeared on the screen with a familiar Spaniard behind him. Carlos groaned and Mira began to wonder if she did something wrong.

"Ha Carlos! You lose, told you she'd answer!" Lando laughed as Carlos pouted. "Hey, Mira!"

"Hello, Lando," Mira greeted. "Hello, Carlos."

"Hola, Mira!" Carlos waved. "What are you doing?"

"I'm with my brother, Luke, as his boyfriend Marco," Mira replied as she turned her phone camera around to face Marco and Luke. "What are you doing?"

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