Banda's escape to Borderland

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Sunato Banda, the hedonistic serial killer who terrorised Tokyo Prefecture and its vicinity, hardly believed his luck. After the bright light, he noticed that there was not a single soul in prison.

Everyone except for him vanished in thin air. It also made him wonder if he was already dead. But then, he did not recall experiencing even a shred of pain in his body. He did not even come close to the noose. As Banda exited the prison, he was astonished to witness nature reclaiming the entire city. It was as if a century had gone by.

He let out a maniacal laugh as he tricked death. His escape from execution would be a slap on the faces of those families. He felt invincible.

After spending a considerable amount of time exploring the new reality, Banda came across a train station that was teeming with trains. Banda spotted 3 anxious-looking people near a carpet that read, "Game Dedicated Entrance".

As Banda approached the mysterious carpet, the train door opened, and those three immediately got inside it. Banda, who possessed observational acuity, waited to see what happened next. After a while, two folks got out and told Banda that a billboard inside the train required only one person in each train.

Banda selected a random train, and the train door closed immediately. This sudden closure of the train door would have caused an ordinary person to panic. However, Banda remained as cool as a cucumber.

Speaker announcement: "Thank you for riding with us. This train will not make any stops anywhere. It is game time.

Game difficulty level, '2 of Hearts'.

The rules of the game are:

You need to cross the next four carriages of the train. If you can do so, you pass the game.Once you enter a carriage, you must spend at least 5 minutes in each carriage. Only after 5 minutes the next carriage door will be unlocked for you to proceed.

But out of the 4 carriages, only 1 carriage has lethal gas. If you open the door of that carriage and inhale the poison, it is game over. You have also been provided with a gas mask and 3 compressed gas cylinders of oxygen. Each gas cylinder provides only 5 minutes of fresh oxygen.

Good luck in guessing which carriage has the poisonous gas."

The players in their respective trains were horrified to learn that they would have to enter one carriage without a gas mask. The thought of encountering the poisonous carriage without the gas mask unnerved them.

The players calculated that the probability of the first carriage being poisonous was just 1 in 4, which signified a 75% survival rate. The risk-averse players decided to use the gas mask for the first carriage and prayed that the first one would be poisonous.

Unlike the other players, Banda contemplated. A wide smirk spread across Banda's face.

Banda: "Kudos to the game maker. If I were them, I would make one particular carriage poisonous. These game masters know how to toy with emotions, which I like. I have started to admire this new reality. I want to meet the people who created the game. 75% rate of survival. The odds are good. I don't fear death anymore. In fact, death should fear me. I have conquered death once, and I will beat it again. I am going to open the first carriage without a mask. I don't care if the first one is poisonous."

As Banda opened the first carriage, he realised his intuition was spot on. There were blooming flowers in a vase, meaning the room was safe. Banda already won the game. Now, he had 3 carriages and 3 gas cylinders. It did not matter to him anymore which carriage was the lethal one.

On the other hand, the other players who used the gas cylinder for the first carriage were dismayed to learn that it was not poisonous. The odds of survival lowered for the second carriage. Even then, the players stuck with the risk-averse strategy and soon discovered that the last carriage was poisonous. Unfortunately, those players utilised all 3 gas cylinders by the second last carriage. They ultimately lost their lives in the last one.

'2 of Hearts' was a simple test of psychology. Were the players willing to bet their lives just once at good odds? Those without the guts to open the door without the gas mask lacked the spirit to live. Such players were undesirable in the new reality: The Borderland.

Sunato Banda enjoyed the '2 of Hearts' game thoroughly. He participated in other games as well. But Banda developed an affinity towards heart games. After all, he was a heartbreaker. With time, Banda grasped the various regulations of the Borderland. He felt the visas were unnecessary. He believed one should constantly play games without a break.

One night, Banda came face to face with a familiar person in the Borderland. That person had captured his attention before, and now he again found himself unable to take his eyes off her. It was none other than Desiree, the dominatrix whom he had infected with his love.

Banda: "It has been a long time, love. How is your health?"

Desiree's trauma was magnified after the encounter with the beast. She could not stand his feral gaze. While she backed away from him, he moved slowly towards her.

Banda: "I could have killed you back then, you know. There was something different about you that stopped me. I am disappointed that you testified against me, babe."

Desiree dashed towards an old abandoned building. She did not want to be anywhere near Banda. He chased after her. Desiree managed to lock herself in a dilapidated room. She did not know how long she could stay in the room as Banda banged the door violently.

Banda: "Come on! Be a good girl. I only want to talk. How long can you hold the door? You are no match for my strength. It will be worse for you if I enter the room."

Desiree: "Please go away!"

Banda laughed hysterically.

Desiree had only a few minutes left to reach the game arena otherwise, she risked overstaying her visa. Her time was running out. She was lucky to avoid death before but not now. The Borderland was not meant for individuals like her. It suited personalities like Banda. She stood no chance in the new reality. She made her decision.

She did not want to die in Banda's hands. With all her willpower and remaining strength, she held the door a little longer to prevent the monster from entering. At any minute, the laser beam would put an end to her misery. She looked forward to it.

After a few moments, Banda heard the beam taking his prey's life. Eventually, he broke open the door.

Banda: "Oh well! I wish you never died in this manner. I could have had fun with you."

Banda kissed the dead Desiree's lips and said, "Rest in agony". He delivered the same kiss of death to his mother when she passed away.

Banda performed exceptionally well in future games, especially the "Jack of Hearts" game. Banda loved the arena of the Jack of Hearts game: Teio prison. He had never seen such a beautiful place before. He became even more convinced to stay in Borderland and perhaps rule it. During the game, Banda formed an unlikely alliance with Oki Yaba and defeated Jack of Hearts. The sadistic duo tortured "the Jack" to learn the ins and outs of Borderland.

Banda and Yaba would then go on to accept the citizenship of Borderland. Banda was super thrilled to bring horror to the future players.


Author's role:

The '2 of Hearts' game is taken from the manga.

That is the end of the "Crimes of Sunato Banda" story, folks! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the stories.

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