Banda's confrontation with past

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The dominatrix, whose life was shattered because of HIV, was shaking like a leaf while coming across the breaking news. When she saw the familiar face that had flushed his seeds in her, she uttered with horror, "That's the guy! That's the guy who ruined my life!". Since her diagnosis, she wanted to obliterate him from her thoughts but could not do it.

Her jaw dropped as she read about Sunato Banda being arrested at his apartment for the alleged murder of his landlady. He was the prime suspect in the murder of 3 other women. She realised she was lucky to evade grisly death from a serial killer. She was ashamed of herself for even longing for him at one time.

She gathered courage and decided to report her incident to the police. Monsters like Sunato Banda deserved to be locked up and never see the daylight.

Meanwhile, Banda's fingerprints and mugshot were taken. Detective Tatsuo and Detective Kai were eagerly waiting to interrogate him. Folks at the police station were having a hard time believing that a good-looking fellow like Banda could commit such stomach-churning crimes. People were commenting, "No way he committed those crimes. They got the wrong guy!"

Detective Tatsuo thought that the sketch was similar to Banda. At the same time, the sunglasses made it a little challenging to positively identify him. They needed hard evidence to link him to the murder of the 3 women. Even for Hana's murder, he was not caught in the act. Unexpectedly, the team still could not find the murder weapon in Hana's case that could confirm Banda as the killer. They had to find other pieces of evidence.

The task force had only 3 weeks to gather the evidence. If they failed to do so, Banda would be released back, and this was unacceptable to the detectives. He was a threat to public safety. They had to pin him down.

At the interrogation room, the two detectives and Banda came face-to-face. Banda's focus shifted towards Detective Tatsuo. The other detective was non-existent to Banda. He felt pleased with himself that someone like Detective Tatsuo was spearheading the case.

Detective Tatsuo: "Hello! My name is -."

Banda: "Detective Tatsuo! The one and only who solved "The Kyoto Maniacs" case! Nice to meet you!"

Detective Tasuo was taken aback as no murder suspect had said that to him in the past.

Detective Kai: "I am Detective Kai. You are under arrest on suspicion of a crime. You will be questioned. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to appoint a lawyer. If you want a lawyer, please let us know. You also have the right to medical treatment during questioning. Do you understand these rights?"

Banda: "Yes"

Detective Tatsuo: "Do you wish to speak to us?"

Banda: "What is your question?"

Detective Tatsuo: "All right, Banda! My first question is, what were you doing during Hana's murder?"

Banda remained silent for some time. A smirk etched across his face. He thought of a brilliant idea. He looked intently at the sidelined Detective Kai.

Banda: "You are Kai, right? You must be feeling bad that Detective Tatsuo always seems to outshine you. Are you looking for a promotion?"

Detective Kai: "How considerate of you to think of my promotion. Those scratch marks on your arm must have hurt a lot. How did you get those?"

Banda: "Gentlemen! Get ready for a promotion! I will talk!"

The detectives could not believe their ears. Was he for real? Or was he playing mind games with them?

Banda: "On one condition!"

Detective Tatsuo: "What is that?"

Banda: "I will talk in front of one man."

Detective Kai: "Who is he?"

Banda: "His name is Sunato Yamato. He is my creator. He ought to be here during this interrogation."

The detectives were in a dilemma. Who knew what ace he had up his sleeves? Given the time limit, they conceded to Banda's request. The detectives fortunately located Sunato Yamato and asked him to be present during Banda's interrogation.

Yamato was now a middle-aged man. He maintained his handsome looks, and it wouldn't be a surprise if he still held onto his player lifestyle. It had been aeons since the father and son crossed paths. Yamato thought that Banda would have qualified as his twin if they were of the same age. Yamato had heard about the serial killer case, but never in a million years could he imagine that his son was that murderer.

Yamato: "Banda! Is that really you?"

Banda: "Hey, dad! I am impressed that you remembered the son you abandoned for cheap pussies. Let's begin, detectives!"

Banda described the murder of Sakura and Charlotte in a matter-of-fact manner. His voice did not have a shred of regret for the victims. He loved referring to them as bitches. He got great pleasure reliving the murders. Yamato was stunned by what his son turned out to be. For the first time in his life, he felt regret for abandoning his son.

Detective Tatsuo: "What happened to Ayumi?"

Banda: "Ahh! That neurotic bitch! While I was driving, she was yapping about god knows what. At one point, she opened the glove compartment and discovered Charlotte's ID card. She questioned me about it. I ordered her to put it back and to mind her own business. However, the bitch did not listen. I grabbed the ID card from her. She started hurling verbal abuses, started threatening, and basically went out of control. I had to slow down the car for the sake of my safety. She took the ID card from me and jumped out of the car. I stopped the car and went after her. I grabbed her by her hair, and we wrestled to the ground. That was when that rabid bitch scratched me here. I lost it and beat her black and blue till she couldn't move. There was too much at stake for me if she was discovered, so I burnt her."

Detective Kai: "Did you murder Hana?"

Banda: "Yes"

Detective Kai: "Where is the murder weapon?"

Banda: "I hid it under the floor tiles in my bedroom. I am surprised that you all couldn't find it yet."

After asking several other questions, the interrogation came to an end. The detectives got all they needed to know. Banda turned to his father.

Banda: "You know what, dad? Mum and I were happy that you were gone. I fucked her. We had so much fun. She preferred fucking me over you."


Banda: "You cheating scum! Are you even aware of all the sexual abuses I had to endure at the hands of Mum? Thanks for abandoning us, asshole!"

This was too much for Yamato to digest. His son turned out to be a serial killer, his son's morbid confession, his son's psychopathic demeanour, the fact that his son faced sexual abuse, and the inevitable truth that the state would grant him the death penalty. All these thoughts overwhelmed him, and as a result, he felt unconscious.

Banda's confession made the detective's work easier. They were able to retrieve the murder weapon in Hana's case. He was charged with the murders. The prosecution would definitely be pushing for the death penalty for his crimes.


Author's notes:

What do you think about the reunion between Banda and Yamato? Let's see what kind of notoriety Banda will gain.

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