Banda's life as a death row inmate

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Tokyo Detention House was now Sunato Banda's new home. As a death row convict, he earned solitary confinement for the rest of his remaining life. He was confined to the four windowless walls for 23 hours.

The prison officers knew about his courtroom saga and how he seduced women. Despite numerous human rights activists crying foul against Banda's confinement to a soulless room, the officers believed that a vile beast like him deserved to be locked up in that hole till his execution. These human rights folks conveniently disappeared when Banda deprived 4 women's right to live.

Meanwhile, Asuka San, Sara and Daniel gathered to discuss Banda's execution.

Daniel: "I can't wait to see the fear in Banda's eyes when he is on the gallows. He was making a mockery of the situation. I want to see how that son of a devil reacts in the face of death. I want revenge. When can we attend Banda's execution?"

Asuka San: "I am sorry, Daniel. Unlike the United States, Japan does not allow us to attend a death row convict's execution. Unless you disguise yourself as a prison warden or an executioner, you can forget about witnessing his execution."

Daniel: "So then what happens after his execution?"

Sara: "At the most, we will be notified of his execution. That's all. We can only wait patiently for that day. I understand it must be very frustrating not to witness his execution. I, too, will rejoice if we ever get the wish to see him go down. Trust me, he deserves to experience every ounce of fear in the face of death. That frightened look on his face would truly be cathartic."

Daniel: "I was wondering about Hana's son, Yutaka, right?"

Asuka San: "Same here. Anyone heard from him?"

Sara: "I have tried reaching out to him. It is apparent that he wishes to be left alone."

Asuka San: "Poor boy lost his mother. I can't imagine what would have happened had we all not supported each other. I hope that he does not isolate himself in these bad times. I pray that he remains strong."

As the family members were anxiously waiting to receive news about Banda's execution, Banda, on the other hand, seemed to be on a permanent vacation. He spent most of his time alone in the cell. Besides that, he spent his time exercising in a small yard, reading books and magazines, and occasionally catching up with authorised visitors.

He couldn't believe that solitary confinement, something that other prisoners dreaded, was a punishment. He thought the prison officers were too kind to grant him solitary confinement. Being away from normies was not a punishment but a reward. Little did he know that solitary confinement would serve as a pivotal game for him to survive in the future.

During his time in the tiny cell, he often contemplated death. He would only know his execution date on the day of execution. He estimated that his death day would be scheduled in a matter of months as executions in Japan occur swiftly. He wanted to live each day with heads held high with pride and not cower in fear. He knew that there was no running away from the execution. He altered his mindset to not fear death and instead embrace death like an old friend.

Banda refused to meet his father during visitation hours. He was determined to get revenge on his father for abandoning him when Banda needed him the most.

Sunato Yamato was stunned that his son refused to see him despite spending time in solitary confinement. He naively thought that prison would change his son and he would eventually desire human contact. Yamato wondered how his son could fare with limited contact with people. But then again, he was incapable of understanding the mind of a serial killer.

Letters from amorous women poured into Banda's cell. He received letters where women wrote poems about him and expressed their love for him. Some letters were confiscated before they reached Banda's deadly hands. Those letters consisted of nudes, beaver pictures and dangerous letters where women glorified his murder and even proclaimed to rescue him from execution.

Unfortunately for the love-infected ladies, besides Banda's family members, lawyers and spiritual advisors, they were denied to meet a death row inmate. His reputation with women earned him the nickname "The Death Row Casanova".

The Death Row Casanova made a lasting impression on a young female lawyer, who thanked her stars for working as part of the defence team. She felt she was the chosen one to be close to Banda. Her fate weeded out the competition from other catty women. She was the only female who could meet him regularly in prison. Banda was all hers.

On one occasion, the three defence lawyers visited Banda to catch up on his well-being. Banda observed how the only lady in the room was trying to grab his attention. As the lawyers were ready to leave, Banda told her: "You are looking good today, Misa!". Taichi San, the boss of Misa, noticed how she reacted to his compliment. She could not contain her happiness.

Once the defence team were outside the prison, Taichi San ushered the other lawyer to proceed ahead.

Taichi San: "Misa! I would like to have a word with you."

Misa: "Yes, sir?"

Taichi San: "From now on, do not handle Banda's case."

Misa: "But sir, I am handling Banda's case very well. I am giving my hundred per cent in this. If I have done something wrong, please forgive me. Give me another chance, sir!"

Taichi San: "Misa! I have always been impressed with your dedication to work. You are a smart person. I do not want your promising career to fall into shambles. You have no future with Banda. Do not let his manipulation get into you. I am doing this for your own good. Anyways, I will be assigning you to another case, and I have high expectations from you for that case."

A heartbroken Misa was left panicking about how her fate twisted. For a long time, she dreamt about a whirlwind romance with Banda. She felt that her fantasy could have blossomed into a reality had her boss not destroyed it. How was she going to put all her efforts into the next case? No client of hers would ever match up to Banda.

One fine morning, the prison officer announced to Banda that his execution would occur and ordered him to get ready to head towards the execution chamber. As Banda entered the room, he slowly absorbed the surroundings. There were just the prison officials and a doctor. Banda believed that he should have been in the executioner's shoes. For Banda, the thrill of taking a human's life was the ultimate privilege.

The prison officers were about to apply handcuffs on Banda when suddenly, there was a cacophonous firework outside. The folks in the execution chamber were left confounded by the turn of events.

After a few moments, Banda witnessed the whole surrounding turn unusually bright and white. He wondered, too, what was happening.


Author's notes:

Hey folks! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Are you ready for the next chapter? Stay tuned!

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