Banda's curse on the duo

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A week after Sunato Banda ravaged the dominatrix sexually, his God complex unfolded exponentially. He now desired to be the judge and the executioner of human life. Banda's actions were going to inject a heavy dose of endless nightmares into the lives of Hikari and Asuka San.

On a fine Sunday evening, Hikari received a frantic call from Asuka San.

Asuka San sounded desperate: "Hikari, is Sakura with you?"

Hikari hesitated to answer but asked: "Umm, what happened, aunty?"

Asuka San: "Sakura hasn't returned home yet. She informed me that she would return from your place by morning. It is already too late! What time did she leave your place?"

On hearing this particular question, Hikari was reluctant to respond further.

She did not want to tell the real reason where Sakura was. She did not have the heart to betray her childhood friend's trust. Asuka San was blissfully oblivious to her daughter's promiscuous lifestyle.

Sakura is an outspoken and happy-go-lucky lass. Her presence brings sunshine to the party. She is blessed with her mother's beauty. She is like a tigress who is not afraid to call out on someone's bullshit. Her confidence and feisty nature enhance her attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. Ladies wanted to be her, and men wanted to be with her.

Sakura has always fulfilled her sexual needs through a buffet of dicks. Tokyo is a perfect place for her tight pussy to taste the dicks of her friends with benefits, who hail from various parts of the world.

Sakura always told her mother that she was hanging with Hikari when in reality, she was joyously riding on a bloke's cock. Hikari was more than happy to cover up on her behalf.

In a society that bestows high value on virginity, Sakura felt it was prudent to hide her other life from the older generation. The older generation can be beyond brutal when it comes to slut shaming.

Knowing Sakura very well, Hikari admitted to herself that she would have reached home by morning if that was what she had promised her mother.

Hikari could not bear lying to the poor mother. She dodged her query by involuntarily blurting out: "Aunty! I will get back to you very soon. I am so sorry."

Asuka San was baffled by Hikari's eye-raising behaviour. Why was she avoiding simple questions about her daughter? What is she hiding?

After ending this uncomfortable call with Sakura's mother, Hikari texted Sakura.

"You done giving blowjobs? Where the heck are you?"

After 15 to 20 minutes of waiting, there was still no response.

Hikari grew impatient.


This was out of character for Sakura not to respond. She usually responded very swiftly. Her lack of response started to bother her.

Hikari called her while muttering "Pick up" several times.

Unfortunately, there was no response from the other side.

She was in a dilemma. Should she lie to her mother about Sakura's whereabouts? Or should she break her friend's trust and tell her mum the truth? But then again, she debated with herself, How is it breaking her trust if Sakura's safety is jeopardised?

Hikari made her decision.

She rushed to Sakura's house and told her mother the bitter truth. There was no night over. They did not meet each other the previous night. In reality, Sakura was meeting a good-looking man, and she was spending the night with him.

Asuka San could not believe her ears. The reality of her little daughter was a tight slap on the mother's face. How is it possible that her innocent little angel is engaging in unspeakable activities? Is this really Sakura?

Horrific images consumed her mind, and she started weeping incessantly. More than the shame, she wondered if she would ever see her little baby girl.

Asuka San wailed "Where did she go? Who is this man? She must have told you something about him!"

Hikari: "I am so sorry, aunty. Sakura never told me much about him or even his name."

Sakura always refrained from talking about her fuck buddies as she did not want to get emotionally attached to them. She only referred to Banda as this "This good-looking man I bumped into at a party". Sakura had shut down Hikari once when she tried to press for information about the sex partners. Ever since then, Hikari kept her nose out of her friend's business.

Hikari was always unaware of the faces and the names of her sex partners. The lack of knowledge of her other life now put the distraught duo at a woeful disadvantage.

It never occurred to Hikari that her secretive nature would potentially put her life in danger.

The duo did not waste a single minute seeking help from the police. The police exchanged concerned looks with each other due to this unusual case in a relatively safe city like Tokyo. They wasted no time arranging a search party.

It was unlikely for Sakura to disappear like that. Hikari thought, "Was she pregnant that she had to run away? What could it be? She would have at least mentioned it to me".

The search party burnt the midnight oil to find Sakura.

Her mobile location did not help much as it suggested an arbitrary location on the outskirts of Tokyo. It did not provide any clue about where Sakura was at that moment. But this highly pointed towards foul play based on the gathered evidence and whatever the police learnt about Sakura.

There was a breakthrough after 5 days.

A group of kids discovered a human cadaver that would inflict incorrigible trauma on these poor kids. These unlucky kids witnessed the dark side of the world at a very young age. It is a sight that no mother should ever have to see. It was horrific enough to drive Hikari and Asuka San into chronic depression.

There laid the bloated and discoloured body of Asuka San's late daughter, Sakura. Her midsection appeared to be ripped apart, revealing the gnawed internal organs.

Banda, the sadist, ensured that Sakura's death would be slow and painful. The crimes revealed the poisonous hatred he harboured towards her.

This ominous incident spelt trouble for the police. They had to catch this unconscionable spawn of Satan before this monster snatched more lives.

Banda wanted the world to see his gruesome art.


Authors note:

In the next chapter, we will witness Banda and Sakura's rendezvous and the events that led to her demise. Based on part 3, what do you think he did to her?

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