Banda's groupies at sentence hearing

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The name "Sunato Banda" was etched across all the newspapers in every corner of Japan. He confessed to the murder of four women with morbid details. Banda gained an exponential number of female fans due to his good looks and devil-may-care attitude. Socials were flooded with the "MarryMeBanda" hashtag. Women wrote fantasy stories about him. The country's tourism witnessed an increase, especially among women. They went to extreme lengths to get a glimpse of this ultimate bad boy.

On the day of the sentencing hearing, Banda was brought in by two prison officers. He was dressed in formal clothing. Banda had the aura of a rockstar, with two bodyguards by his side. The court was teeming mostly with his groupies. Women thought that he looked sexy in those clothes. He instantly became a fashion icon.

Banda was pleased with his augmented popularity with the female species. During the proceedings, he played up to the crowd by turning back, smiling and winking at one of the lucky girls. Women couldn't get enough of Banda. Whenever Banda turned back at them, women would reveal their cleavage. A few dyed their hair blonde after learning about Charlotte Jones, who had blonde hair. They speculated that Banda liked blonde women.

The law enforcers noticed this charade in court, and their hatred towards Banda became more tangible. The prosecution team noted that Banda lacked remorse and was horrified by the circus at court. This made them even more determined to press for the death penalty. The defence team members were biting their nails as they noticed the temperament of the judges. The defence thought that if Banda got a life sentence, that would be a miracle.

All of a sudden, a huge commotion broke out outside the courtroom. Loud screeches could be heard.

"You ugly cow! You do not stand a chance with him! I will kick your ass!"

"Stay away from my man, dumb bitch! I will fucking murder you, bitch!"

The judge had to pause the proceeding. He was losing his patience and ordered its investigation. Word ran out that two women pulled each other's hair and threatened to kill each other if the other one dared to be with Banda.

Banda sniggered at this situation. His only regret was not witnessing the sexy bitchfight.

Detective Kai: "What's wrong with these delusional women? What do they see in Banda? He is a serial killer! I don't understand. You usually stay away from people who harm you. But this clown car of women wants to ride him."

Detective Tatsuo: "Well, Detective Kai, Hybristophilia explains why these women crave psychopathic murderers. This is not a new phenomenon. Murderers like Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, Charles Manson, Charles Shobraj and many more were targets of female affection. Some even managed to get married while in prison."

Detective Kai: "Thank god there are no conjugal rights in Japan. Assholes like Banda would otherwise impregnate every female. We don't need any more of his fucked-up genes.

Decent guys hardly get lucky with women, and here this unrepentant murderer managed to score all these women's hearts."

Detective Tatsuo: "Well, serial killers are bad boys, and most women love bad boys. They are the alphas of the alphas. Women are usually hypergamous in nature. So, in their cavewoman mindset, alphas are good at getting rid of threats and protecting them.

Also, bad boys are like challenges, which these women subconsciously crave for. Forget about murderers for a second. I have witnessed many women getting into a relationship with asshole lovers and still clinging to them when red flags are obvious. Every woman wants to feel special. They want to tame the bad boy. They are gullible enough to believe their love is powerful enough to mend their assholic ways.

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