9 The Mountain

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I was relieved that I was allowed to join the Fellowship, considering I am a girl.

That night I tried my best to get as much sleep a possible. But still no matter how much sleep I must've gotten the sun seamed to rise to soon.

completely abandoning my dress I put on a pair of pants and a top that fitted my female figure as best as it could.
I grabbed my two daggers and a couple more hidden knives, just in case. I decided it would be best to braid my long messy hair. Finishing off getting ready I quickly ran to join the others.


    "The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will." Lord Elrond said as we stood near the arch leading out of Rivendell. "Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you."

    "The Fellowship awaits The Ring-bearer." Gandalf said.

Frodo turned around walking through our group to the front with Gandalf behind him. Next came Gimli then Boromir after Pippin and Merry then myself and behind was Legolas and then Sam with Bill the horse leaving Aragorn in the rear.


We kept our pace as we passed through the different lands through the mountains. We rested only when we needed sleep or a short break. Although Boromir always looked at me with a disapproving look.
But as we walked the lands were oddly quiet.


"Two, one five. Good! Very good." Boromir said to Merry as he helped Merry and Pippin practice fighting with their swords. They were all using dull swords in this case just so no serious accidents would occur.
We were all taking a break after long hours of walking.
I sat on a rock beside Frodo watching as we ate some food that Sam had just cooked.

Boromir then turned towards Pippin.

"Move your feet." Aragorn instructed from the side.

"Good, Pippin." Merry cheered.

"Thanks." Pippin smiled as Boromir turned back to Merry.

"Faster!" Boromir said.
I smiled over at Frodo as we watched.

I looked up in the sky and my smile faded as I spotted a peculiar black cloud flying in what I think was against the wind, but just as I was about to say something I heard Pippin yelp and I turned to look at him.

     "Sorry!" Boromir apologized as Pippin was shaking his hand in pain. Boromir must have accidentally hit him.
Pippin stepped forward and kicked Boromir's shin. Boromir hoped back and bent over in pain but Merry swung his dull sword at him causing Boromir to fall back.

    "Get him!" Pippin yelled as the two Hobbits ran over stopping Boromir from getting up.

    "For the Shire!" Merry cheered.

    "Hold him down, Merry!" Pippin yelled as Boromir laughed.

    "Gentlemen, that's enough." Aragorn said as stood up walking over to the group.
He grabbed Merry and Pippin but as he did they quickly turned around and tripped him causing Aragorn to fall backwards.

I laughed at the group as Aragorn joined in.

    "What is that?" I heard Sam ask. I look back to the black cloud I saw before and it was significantly closer.

    "Nothing. Just a wisp of cloud." Gimli answered.

    "No that is not nothing." I say standing up.

    "It's moving fast. Against the wind." Boromir said as he finally got to his feet with Aragorn.

    "Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas called out.

    "Hide!" Aragorn yelled.

    "Merry!" Boromir called.

     "Cover! Take cover!" Aragorn repeated as he ran picking up his sword and other items left around.

Frodo, Sam and I swiftly turned around. Frodo grabbed Sam's pack as I stampeded the fire out and Sam grabbed his pots and pans he left out.
I paused for a moment before I ran over to Frodo and Aragorn who were laying under a rock. The birds were approaching fast as I grabbed a forgotten sword and ran. Frodo pulled me close just hiding me from the sight of the birds as their shrieking passed over us.

The noise decreased and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Frodo let go as we and everyone cautiously emerged from their hiding places.

     "Spies of Saruman." Gandalf said. The passage south is being watched." We all look to Gandalf. "We must take the Pass of Caradhras."

We all followed Gandalfs gaze to a snow covered mountain.


Following Gandalf's lead we trudged through the snow covered mountains.
I walked beside Frodo as we helped each other up. Snow wasn't exactly something us Hobbits were accustomed too for it had not snowed in the Shire for some years.
I felt Frodo's hand brushed my arm but when I looked to my side he wasn't there instead he was rolling down the hill.

    "Frodo!" I call as I take a couple steps down the hill towards him but I stopped when Aragorn thankfully ran forward and stopped Frodo from rolling anymore. Aragorn bent down and helped Frodo back to his feet but something was missing I saw Frodo search his chest and neck for The Ring but it was not there.

My head turned to Boromir as I saw the glint of gold and true enough he was holding The Ring by its chain.
All eyes went to him as he looked at The Ring.

    "Boromir." Aragorn said.

    "It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing. Such a little thing." Boromir said quietly but loud enough for us all to hear as his eyes never left The Ring.

    "Boromir!" Aragorn said louder snapping Boromir out of whatever he was in as he looked away from The Ring. "Give The Ring to Frodo."

Boromir then slowly walked forward. My eyes were drawn towards Aragorn as his hand tightened around the hilt of his sword.

    "As you wish." Boromir said.

And as soon as The Ring was close enough Frodo snatched it away from Boromir.

    "I care not." Boromir looked at Aragon the at Frodo with The Ring before laughing and ruffling up Frodos curly hair as he turned around and continued to walk.

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