6 Strider

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I look back at Merry and Pippin, before Sam and I turn back to the door and barge in.

"Let him go! Or I'll have you, longshanks!" Sam threatened with his fists up.
I had my hand ready to pull out one of my daggers that I kept hidden.
I have two blades actually, they were my Fathers, Elvish made.

I look at Strider, his hood was down and he held out a long sword, but at the sight of us he put his sword away.

"You have a stout heart, little Hobbit. But that will not save you." Strider said calmly to Sam then he turned towards Frodo and walked over to him. "You can no longer wait for the Wizard, Frodo. They're coming."

    "Then what do you think we must do?" I asked Strider.

"For tonight, I would advise you not to sleep in the room you said you were. You can stay here, we leave first light in the morning." Strider said.


We agreed, and soon the fires were put out and we all lay in the one bed together, it was big enough for all of us thankfully. Pippin, Sam and Merry fell asleep quite quickly but no matter how hard I tried sleep would not come.
I slipped out of the covers and made my way over to Frodo who was sitting awake at the end of the bed. I rested my head on his shoulder, he turned to me startled, but relaxed and smiled at the sight of me.

My eyes and head snapped to the window when I heard loud screeches. They were cold and just by the screams I was terrified of them.
The screams woke up Merry, Pippin and Sam, and they all sat up in the bed.
We looked to Strider who sat in a chair by the window and the dying fire.

"What are they?" Frodo asked.

I looked down at my own Ring that shined in the light of the fire, and another screech was heard.

"They were once Men. Great Kings of Men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them the Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed, they took them without question, one by one, falling into darkness, and now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgûl. Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of The Ring, drawn to the power of the One. They will never stop hunting you." Strider explained.


At the first light we set out with a horse called Bill that Strider bought. We followed letting Strider lead the way into the wild.

"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked as we walked through some bushes.

About an hour later we were walking through a darker forest with moss providing the green.

"How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?" Merry asked.

"I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer, feel fouler." Frodo whispered, but I knew Strider was listening.

"He's foul enough." Merry said.

"We have no choice but to trust him." I say.

"But where is he leading us?" Sam whispered, he was walking at the back with Bill.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee." Strider replied. "To the house of Elrond."
A smile spread across my face at those words.

"Did you hear that? Rivendell. We're going to see the Elves." Sam said excitedly.


We walked further through many different woods.


We arrived at an area that was just many tall bushes with some snow on the ground. After not long of walking that area, Sam, Frodo, Merry and Pippin started to set up for second breakfast.
I smiled at them, I didn't feel very hungry so I walked a little further when Strider turned around.

"Gentlemen," When Strider said that they all stopped and looked at him. "We do not stop till nightfall."

"What about breakfast?" Pippin asked.

"You've had it." Strider answered confused.

I let out a single small laugh, he'd be surprised at how many times a Hobbit eats on average in a single day.

    "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" Pippin asked with a smile.

Strider just turned around and kept walking.

"Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry said.

"What about elevenses? Luncheon?" Pippin ran after Merry as they started to walk again. "Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"

"I wouldn't count on it." Merry said.
Just then an apple came flying over a bush, Merry quickly caught it.
Pippin looking quickly at the Merry then the apple then back at Merry again. Merry gave Pippin a pat on the shoulder and walked forward. I smiled as another apple came flying over and hit Pippin in the head.

"Pippin!" Merry called.


We continued our walk, but the worst was when we came to a marsh landing. The fly's were even worse than the ones in the Old Forest. I was constantly smacking my skin with one hand as with the other I tried my best to hold up my dress, that throughout this whole journey had been a pain wearing. Every couple steps I would sink into the mud.

"What do they eat when they can't get Hobbit?" Merry said.


Hours later it finally started to grow dark and we found a place to rest for the night.


I awoke late in the night to hear Strider singing a song, it was in Elvish, a language I knew very well. It was a sad song but beautiful.

"Who is she?" I heard Frodo ask, it started Strider as he quickly turned around to see Frodo and I awake. "This woman you sing of?"

"Tis the Lady of Lúthien." Strider said looking away. "The Elf-maiden who gave her love to Beren, a mortal."

"What happened to her?" Frodo asked.

"She died." I say, Strider turned to look at me.

After a bit of silence he spoke. "Get some sleep, you both."

Frodo and I lay back down and soon sleep took me again.


The next day we started out at first light and walked for the whole day when night falls came close we arrived at a strange rock with the ruins of a tower.

"This was the great watchtower of Amon Sûl. We shall rest here tonight." Strider said.

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