8 Rivendell

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(Y/n) POV

I awoke to a bright light, my eyes fully fluttered open and I was staring up at a ceiling.

Slowly I sat up looking around the empty empty room. I was in a soft comfortable bed. There were many arches letting the sun in, the sweat calming bird songs filled the air and I knew where I was without anyone to tell me. I was in Rivendell.

The previous events started flowing into my brain. I remembered my leg, but now the pain that use to be all I could focus on was now reduced to a slight sting with movement. I lifted up the covers to look, I pulled up my dress and saw cloth wrapped around it.
Quickly I pulled my dress down and dropped the sheets as I heard the sound of footsteps. I look up to see someone I had very much hoped to see.
Gandalf made his way to a chair right beside my bed.

      "You are lucky to be alive." He smiled.

I smiled then I remembered Frodo. "Is Frodo all right?" I asked as I feared for the worst.

     "He's quite all right, I was just with him and he asked me the very same thing when he awoke." I was eager to see him so when Gandalf told me that I quickly pulled back the sheet to leave. "No, you still need your rest." Gandalf firmly but kindly said.

I sighed and settled back down knowing there was no use in arguing with a Wizard.

     "You have a very curious Ring there." Gandalf said as he looked at the silver Ring on my finger.

    "Oh, my Father gave it to me as a gift." I told him although 'trusted' it to me would have been better fitting words. "It's nothing special."

     "Now, we both know that this is no simple Ring." Gandalf said, I nodded. "What do you know?"

     "I do not know much. It is one of the Seven, I suppose, thought to be destroyed, consumed by a dragon. My Father never told me where or how he found it." I told Gandalf truthfully.

He nodded before he spoke, "You see, Lord Elrond and I were not expecting to see that on the hand of a Hobbit. Well, I shouldn't tire you out with all these questions, rest up little Hobbit." Gandalf smiled and with that he got up and left.

Soon after Gandalf left I got out of the bed and made my way to the door. Just as I was about to leave I caught myself in a mirror. My hair seemed to be clean but I still wore my muddy dress with a few holes. I sighed but then I spotted something that looked to be nicely folded on a chair. I walked over and picked it up, it unraveled into a beautiful Elvin dress my size.
I undress laying my old clothes on the bed and I put on the dress. I looked back in the mirror, it was a stunning dress but I didn't feel like I quite fit, it felt too fancy for me. I left the mirror and went back to the door.


I ran out into the beautiful sun. It wasn't long till I found three Hobbits hugging.

Pippin spotted me and stopped as he tapped the others to turn around. The other Hobbits soon turned to see what Pippin was looking at, they all smiled at the sight of me.I walked the shot distance to join the group. Immediately I was brought into welcoming and friendly hugs.
After hugging Merry, Pippin and Sam I stood back.

    "Where is Frodo?" I asked, hiding my worry.

    "He's right over there." Merry pointed towards an old grey Hobbit and a younger brown haired one I instantly knew the two to be Bilbo and Frodo.

    "Frodo!" I called, relieved to see he was alright.

At the sound of my voice he turned around. At the sight of me he stopped and just stared at me. Bilbo eventually broke him out by laughing. At that I ran over to him and he pulled me into a hug.

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