Chapter One: Calamity Trio's Return

Start from the beginning

"Sasha, I doubt she'd want us all here if it was just a promotion." Anne said, a hint of worry in her voice. "But...yeah. You have a point...I just...with it being a mystery and all, I...I wanna see them again."

Sasha's eyes softened. "Yeah. I know how you feel...I miss Grime..."

"Well...let's just try and keep our expectations low then! Just in case!." Marcy said, trying to keep things calm.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Anne replied, a look of anxiety spreading across her face. Even as they got up in Sasha's car to head out, she couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of going back to Amphibia.

Their second home. The place they fought tooth and nail to protect alongside Earth. None of them were born there and arguably, suffered traumatic experiences there that should've ruined the memories for them...but it didn't.

And while they were better at hiding it, Sasha and Marcy wanted the same thing as Anne. They wanted to go back. They wanted to see the place they had attempted to make peace with never being able to go back to. That was easier said than done.

"...let's turn on some music." Sasha said as she drove. "This is getting awkward."

Anne snorted. "You were the one who dropped the bombshell on us, Sash."

"I also didn't specifically say it was a way back to Amphibia." Sasha shot back as she turned on the music. "I'll have Marcy sing along as payback for that."

Anne rolled her eyes. "The jokes on you! I actually like singing along with her!"

* * * * * * * *

As Sasha pulled up to the address that Terri gave her, the girls started to get worried the moment they arrived.

It wasn't an office building or warehouse like they were expecting, in fact it wasn't even in the city.

The address was out in the middle of nowhere, literally empty desert for miles. And while they could see what they could only describe as a complex, it was very far in the distance and quite hard to see.

Marcy blinked. "You''re sure this is the right address?"

"Yeah...but now I'm starting to think this wasn't even her..." Sasha mumbled. "If the big news was this ominous desert base...what the heck-"

"Oh! This isn't a desert! Look!" Marcy cried as she pointed, gesturing to an ocean in the distance.

Anne grinned. "Hey! Maybe we can go swimming later...we aren't hallucinating the ocean, are we?"

Marcy shrugged. "We could be."

And as Sasha pulled up to the gate...they suddenly heard footsteps and saw someone that most certainly wasn't a hallucination. Some kind of S.W.A.T Soldier.

"Ma'am, you and your friends need to leave." The soldier said in what sounded like a heavily distorted voice. "This is a restricted zone. Civilians such as yourselves aren't allowed to be here."

"Hey, it's okay! We were told to meet someone here-"

"There is no one out here for you to meet." The soldier stated, the disdain in their voice audible even through the distortion. "Leave."

Sasha's eyes narrowed a little. "Listen, buddy. Just let me call my friend and this will all make sense. Okay?" Sasha said, trying to keep the soldier calm as she pulled out her phone.

Anne nodded. "Yeah! Just calm down. No one has to-"

"If you do not leave, I will have to resort to force." The soldier threatened suddenly, gesturing to the rifle in his hands.

Marcy gulped a bit at the sight of the gun. "Ummm, Sash? We should probably leave..."

"Terri said we were supposed to be here!" Sasha protested.

Anne then leaned forward. "The guy also has a gun."

"HEY, WAIT!!!" A woman's voice shouted out.

The girl's attention went from the soldier to a duo of some kind driving...a golf kart?

Anne blinked. "Okay, this is definitely the right place."

And sure enough, the duo was Terri and none other than Mr. X himself. However, while Mr. X's tuxedo had only changed from purple to white, Terri was the one who looked different. She was taller and she wore black pants and a gray t-shirt under her bright white lab coat, which was almost hard and easy to see all at the same time. Not to mention, her hair was still a bright blue.

Unlike Anne's former Calamity powers, which literally made her glow blue.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Mr. X shrieked. "I thought I informed you that we would have a group of civilians coming to the complex today!"

"Apologies, Mr. X." The soldier said, their grip on the rifle loosening. "It's just that they didn't really match your description, that's all."

"A red car with three young women? One blonde haired woman with white skin and a mole under her left eye, one with black hair and of Asian descent, and the third with brown hair and tanned skin?" Mr. X questioned, with sarcasm so sharp that it felt as though it would tear through the soldier's very skin. "That description doesn't match these girls?"

The soldier was silent for a moment. "...well, when you put it like that-"

"Just let them in already." Terri groaned.

"Yes, ma'am." The soldier replied as he stepped away from Sasha's car and waved to the soldier within the booth. The gate opened shortly after and both the girls and Mr. X began driving alongside each other towards the complex.

"Sorry about that." Terri said. "This place is kinda top secret..."

Marcy blinked. "Why is it near an ocean then?"

"It's in the middle of the friggin' desert, we need some water." Mr. X said with a shrug.

Sasha snorted. "I'm just glad we have the right place...but why here? Like, you could've chosen anywhere else to meet."

"Or set up a base." Anne pointed out.

"Well, Terri said it was a secret, didn't she?" Mr. X said. "After Anne and her friends took out multiple agents with a bunch of randos and a toy lightsaber, we considered other options."

Anne just laughed. "I did do that, didn't I?"

Sasha seemed flabbergasted. "I thought you were joking!!!"

"Soooo! Terri, why are we here exactly?" Marcy asked, interrupting her friends.

"I'll explain once we get inside." Terri said with a grin. "It's wild."

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