Chapter One: Calamity Trio's Return

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It had been a decade now since the Amphibia invasion, since Anne had to say goodbye to her frog family. She had thought of them often, wondering what they all were up to. She had missed them so much that she didn't even hear Marcy talking to her.


"Huh?! Oh, sorry Mar-Mar! What's up?" Anne replied, startled by Marcy's shouting.

"Just pulling you back to earth is all. You were kinda...bluuuuhhh." Marcy said while sticking out her tongue and waving her arms, doing her best zombie impression.

Anne giggled at her friend's little joke. "Sorry, I was just...lost in thought."

"Psh. Ok then." Marcy replied.

"Hey. Don't go getting all mopey on us, Anne," Sasha quipped, "it's your birthday. You're supposed to be giddy and excited."

Anne laughed. "Well, okay then, Miss Bossy Pants."

All the girls laughed together, it felt good to spend time together again. The three had been all over town that day getting lunch, doing activities, and just talking about what life had been like for them after all this time. Anne still couldn't believe that it'd been ten whole years since they had done this, it honestly felt like they had been doing this sort of thing every day...

"So, remember Terri, right?" Sasha asked, pulling Anne out of her trance once more.

"Yeah," Anne responded, "what about her?"

"Well, she called me recently and said she has something to show us." Sasha said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Anne quickly raised her head, her eyes slightly wide as she listened. She didn't want to get her hopes up...but...maybe...

"Ooh, is it some new scientific breakthrough she's made!?" Marcy asked, excitement nearly pouring out of her eyeballs. She was really the only one who could ever understand all of Terri's science. Even after 10 years, she had an almost superhuman brain.

"Dunno." Sasha replied with a shrug. "She didn't really elaborate on what it was. She just said it was important that we're all here to see it."

"...maybe it's a way back to Amphibia." Anne said, anticipation deep in her tone alongside a hint of nervousness. She had been hoping for a way back for such a long time that there was a time she once clung to any chance she had to go back, only for those attempts to end in failure. With the Calamity Gems gone, there really was no way of interdimensional travel.

The girls all sat silent however. They were all thinking about what it would be like to go back. Anne could finally see the Plantars again...she could see the frogs she called 'family'.

Sasha could see Grime, and all the other toads. Perhaps Grime had even found Percy and Braddock again. She hoped he did. Even to this day, without closure, she felt bad for how she treated them back then.

Marcy could see how Olivia and Yunan were doing or even speak to Andrias. She had every right to hate the former king, yet, she didn't. The true villain was The Core and Andrias, while he certainly wasn't completely innocent, was nothing more than a puppet in that monster's game. Like she had been.

She clenched her fist slightly at the memory of The Core, being reminded of 'Darcy'. Even after a decade, being possessed and used as a puppet wasn't easy to get over or move on from.

Marcy never told her friends, especially since she was a flight away from them, but she still had nightmares about The Core.

"Well...let's not get our hopes up too much." Sasha said, breaking the silence. "Don't wanna act all disappointed if she just got a promotion or something."

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