Chapter 12 - My Past Haunts Me

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Evangeline." He said, blunt yet warm.

"Hey Shane..." You replied, taken aback by his greeting.

"I'm sorry if I came across too sharp when we first met." He half-smiled, slightly embarrassed upon remembering it. "I'm just a miserable old man."

"It's okay, don't apologise." You giggled, just happy to be around someone seemingly funny.

"This valley gets a little boring sometimes, don't you think?" He asked.

"I find it a nice break from the city, I don't particularly get bored when there is always work to do."

"Of course, you are a farmer, you must constantly be busy."

"Nearly, anyways."

You and Shane chatted for about an hour or so, you consuming more alcohol in the process. He told you about his struggles with alcoholism and how he was working on turning his life around. You listened intently, feeling a sense of empathy for him.

As the night went on, you found yourself getting more comfortable around Shane, the alcohol completely loosening you up. He had a funny and reassuring demeanour that made it easy to open up to him. You talked about your dreams of expanding your farm and your worries about the upcoming winter.

"I know how you feel," Shane said, nodding sympathetically. "Winter can be tough, especially when you're alone." You nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for his understanding. You were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him, considering your initial awkward encounter. You had just become best friends with the towns alcoholic, proving that external looks aren't always indicators about a person's personality.

"I don't- don't know about you... Shane, but, everything is very blurry right now..." You mumbled, the alcohol coursing through your system. You had consumed about 6 pints of cider and a scotch on the rocks in the past hour, a drinking game that even Shane was impressed by. Shane was also tipsy, but Marnie had been monitoring his drinking from afar.

"Thats alcohol for you, hun." Shane giggled. Marnie approached Shane and requested he left with her before he went too far with his drinking, he obliged and you waved them both off, leaving you alone at the bar.

"Evangeline." A stern voice spoke. You instantly knew who it was.

You turned on the bar stool to see Harvey, towering above you, a glass of water in his hand. "I suggest you drink this, it seems you have drunk way over your limit." You looked up at Harvey, surprised by his sudden appearance. You had been so engrossed in your conversation with Shane that you hadn't even noticed him approaching.

"Thanks... Harvey," you said, taking the glass from him and taking a long sip. The cold water felt refreshing against your parched throat. Harvey looked at you with a concerned expression. "Are you okay? It isn't like you to drink like this."

You sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. "I've just been feeling so stressed out lately, and it's not like me." You looked down at your feet.

"Would you like to talk to me about it?" Harvey offered, a weak smile escaping the right side of his mouth.

"Yes please." Your drunken self had decided to open up. You'd realise in the morning that if you were sober you would have politely declined.

"Let's go for a walk, we can escape all the noise here." He replied, looking slightly relieved that you were actually going to explain more about yourself. Apart from the basics, Harvey also knew very little of your background too. You smiled, the alcohol filling you with excitement.

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