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Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

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—NAMJOON SMILED WARMLY AT THE WOMAN AS HE PASSED HER A BOWL OF SOUP. His heart always felt full after volunteering at the church. The people here were always so welcoming, and kind-hearted. Namjoon made sure he was around for the Church's annual charity dinner to hand out food to the less fortunate. These were the people who were in need of the Lord, and welcomed scripture as easily as they did their food.

A whole month had passed and time felt as if it were passing by slowly. He itched to return to his angel, and ensure nobody had corrupted him in his absence. He had to protect his soul.

"Such a kind man," the woman said, bowing her head as she curled cold fingers around her bowl, "May God bless you,"

"Thank you ma'am, may the Lord watch over you and your family,"

She smiled at him and shuffled down the line.


A younger gentleman, dressed in his uniform came forward through the crowd of moving people with a wide grin.

"Father Mason," Namjoon greeted the priest with a nod.

"I'm so glad you could join us again this year, the Church always looks forward to your company,"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm happy to be of service,"

"We love to see it. Would you possibly do us a favour, and grab a few of the boxes off the truck? We seem to have run out of food already down by Han's table, and I can't seem to find any of the boys right now. Don't worry about your spot, I'll fill it,"

"Of course,"

Namjoon excused himself from the line, allowing for Father Mason to take over, who immediately began chatting with some of the locals, and wandered off around the back of the Church.

The back was seemingly empty and he began pulling heavy boxes off the back of the truck, and setting them on a trolley. It was a brisk, October afternoon. A light wind whipped and howled, swirling leaves as it ran past him. He felt calm.

Namjoon did not hear him approach, but he was suddenly aware of the fact that someone was watching him silently from across the street.

He growled.

"Hello Kim Namjoon,"

He scowled.

"Min Yoongi,"

The demon was smart enough to stay off Holy Grounds, keeping himself at the right distance to avoid burning. He smiled at him the way one greeted an old friend.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now