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— KIM NAMJOON WAS SELFISH AND OBSESSED. The other angels could see it in the way that he looked at the newling, and in the way that he'd begun to treat him, but none dared to call him out for it except for in the hushed whispers that circulated in the dark when he wasn't present. It would have been pointless in the end — it wasn't like he would have listened (many would rather turn a blind eye, afraid of what would happen if they dared say anything to his face).

Namjoon wanted the newling for himself. Jimin was untouched by mankind; pure and innocent, and without very much knowledge he so desperately wanted to protect. A rarity in their world. It would be easy to fill his mind with ideas to keep him safe.

Especially with the rumours seemingly running rampant around heaven.

But Jimin was inquisitive and seemed to have a million questions that it seemed almost impossible to hide the truth from him...almost. Namjoon shut them down with a terrifying ease that left many of the newlings on edge. Was it not the job of the Archs and all those in between to prepare them for their time on earth where they would help the mortals? Why would he shy away from the questions they asked when it was an integral part of their training — He should be preparing Jimin for the real world, not luring him into a false sense of security. The real world was cruel, and Jimin would be eaten up alive.

Jimin's naive nature turned him on in a way, not that Namjoon could see that. In his mind, he had to protect Jimin from the horrors of the world, not throw him into it. The way he shuddered and hid in his wings as the unholy deeds caused by demons and mankind alike, the weakness in his eyes knowing he wasn't quite ready to protect them from all the wrong doings, brought Namjoon a sort of pleasure, and not in a healthy way. The less Jimin knew, the less he'd been tempted to go there. He'd stay right where he belonged, peeking over the edge of the heavens by his side, and soon enough, Namjoon would pull him from the edge too.

Park Jimin was special, and the world needed his kindness, but Namjoon was selfish and the world would ruin him in minutes if it could get its hands on him. The only way to protect him was to keep him locked away by his side, because only he could save his soul.

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now