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He frowned angrily, his displeasure evident for once as Namjoon rounded up the newlings – everyone but him – for their missionaries. Once more, he'd been denied. He'd be stuck here, while the others went below to earn their halos, or complete other aspects of their training. All but him, and Jimin was becoming sick and tired of hearing the stories from his friends – to have to seem pleased for them and interested in what they had to say. It was annoying and to make matters much worse, nobody would answer his questions when he grew a little too curious, as if he was the only one not in on the joke. They would look the other way or redirect him to Namjoon, who would shut him down with a few simple words.

Jimin was beginning to doubt the Archangel.

But to doubt would be to have a lack of faith...and he needed to have faith.

Jimin exhaled softly, calming himself. There was no point in being envious. It was a sin afterall. The Lord wasn't ready for him to go yet so he would wait, and be faithful, and he would learn to have better trust in Namjoon. He was older, and far wiser than he was. He knew what was best for him.

Still...he couldn't help but wish he was going with them. He didn't want to be the only angel without a Halo. It wasn't fair at this point. He should have his by now – it was almost embarrassing that he was still carrying around a "newling" status while the rest of his companions were moving up the ranks quickly.

Namjoon said goodbye to him last, enthusiastic about the trip below, and Jimin forced excitement onto his features so he wouldn't suspect a thing. The last thing he wanted to do right now was upset him. Angry Namjoon was...uncomfortable.

"I'll return in a few months. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone okay? I'd hate for something to happen to you without me here,"

"I'll be good, I promise," Jimin said, trying to make his smile seem convincing. Good huh? Yeah. Whatever.

"I'll miss you — seeing you smile always brightens my day,"

"Oh please take me with you," Jimin caved, begging softly. He couldn't help himself, he lacked self-control like the others. Namjoon's smile was quickly replaced by a frown, and Jimin hung his head sadly. He should have kept his mouth shut.

"No. You aren't ready," Namjoon said firmly, the tiniest hint of frustration in his voice.

I AM READY! A voice in the back of his head growled. YOU'RE JUST SELFISH! YOU DON'T WANT TO SHARE US! LET US GO!

The voice startled Jimin so much; he threw his arms around Namjoon, burying his head in his chest as he shook, surprising the older.


"I'm s-sorry! I won't ask again!" he whimpered into his chest. He didn't want to hear the voice again. "I'll be good, I swear,"

Namjoon sighed, confused by his sudden outburst, but nonetheless pleased by his submission.

"I forgive you. I'll see you in a few months Angel,"

"Be safe,"

"I always am,"

He watched as the Arch slipped past the gates and disappeared, before allowing his anger back in.

It's not fair! I should be going with them!

Jimin turned his back to the gates and huffed.

"I am ready," he grumbled to himself as he stalked across the courtyard. "I—"

And that was when he saw them.

Jimin had noticed the eyes before – a startling shade of ruby red peeing through the void – but this was the first time he caught them looking.

He stared back at them, fearful. He wanted to look away, but the eyes had him frozen in place.

"Jimin," a hushed voice echoed. "Come closer – I have so much to tell you,"

Jimin had heard rumours about the dark clouds that shrouded the other side of heaven; rumours about dark beings that corrupted angel kind. Newlings were forbidden to go near it. Jimin once heard that if you were caught near the edge, they took you away where nobody could ever find you. Some even say they take your wings, though Jimin didn't know how that was even possible.

"Don't be afraid, Jimin — come closer and I'll make all your dreams come true,"

Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat. A little voice in the back of his head told him no as he creeped forward; that this was all a bad idea. And when the whispering voice suddenly shouted his name, the angel let out a cry of surprise, jumping backwards. Clumsily, he took off, leaving the void far behind him in the process.

The eyes narrowed, annoyed.

Two years had been a long time to wait, and his patience was wearing thin. He wanted him now.

He would have him, even if he had to take him by force...

But where was the fun in that?

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we're slowly getting to the fun part ;)

see you next friday

The Temptation of Park Jimin | p.j.m / vminWhere stories live. Discover now