Confrontation and Emilia's Mom

Start from the beginning

Emilia: "Interesting!"

Y/N nodded with a smile. His smile turned serious when he noticed George's gaze.

Y/N: "Oh! It seems he noticed us! You must speak to him in a low tone or he'll be aggressive"

Emilia nodded and began writing on a notepad.

George watched this with a bewildered expression.

George: "What the hell?"

Y/N: "Uh-oh! He began speaking to us in an unknown language. I don't know what he said but it definitely sounds hostile"


Emilia snapped a picture of his angered face.

Emilia: "Fascinating!"

"Hey, what's going on over here?"

They looked to see Zen and Zayla eating ice cream while holding hands. Zayla's expression went dark when she saw Y/N but it went away as fast as it came.

Y/N: "Oh, hey Zen. Emilia and I are just taking pictures of this stalker"

Zen: "Stalker?"

Zen got a good look at George.

Zen: "Do I know you?"

George looked at him in disbelief and then anger as his entire face turned red.

George: "Don't fuck with me! You know damn well who I am loser! Just because you have three ugly ass girlfriends doesn't mean you forget the person who got you there! You should be thankful!"

Y/N: "Uh, didn't you bully him? How does that help him?"

George: "Shut up will you? Wait, I almost forgot to settle the score with you. I gotta pound your face in"

George cracked his knuckles. 

Y/N: "Bet! We can fight right now! I ain't scared!"

"What's going on here?"

Everyone turned around to see blue-haired women smiling at them. 

Emilia: "Mom!? What are you doing here!?"

Emilia's mom or 'Sasha' smiled at Emilia.

(Her name was revealed in the chapter "Emilia and Y/N's Bonding time 1/2" if you forgot.

Sasha: "Hello honey!"

Zayla stared at Sasha's chest and then down at hers. She scowled angrily.

George: "Wow Y/N, I didn't know you needed to call 'mommy' to come to help you fight. Now that I'm looking at you, your body ain't half bad. If you're into younger guys-"

Sasha: "Not interested little boy. I'm pushing 50"

Zen: "What!? You look like you're in your early 20s!"

Sasha: *giggles* "Thank you for the compliment. Wait a minute... You there"

She pointed at George.

George: "You're finally changing your-"

Sasha: "Were you threatening my daughter's boyfriend?"

Emilia: "Wha-! How did you know!?"

Sasha: "Mothers know all honey. I thought you knew this"

Y/N: "Can't argue with that

Geroge: "So what if I threatened the dweeb! What are you gonna do about it fun bags?"

Emilia gasped.

Emilia: *mutters* "You just made a grave mistake...."

Sasha: "Fun bags? That's new. Did your parents ever discipline you when you were a child?"

George: "Hah! Discipline? I discipline them to be honest. They can't hurt me! I'm their son!"

Sasha: "Hmmm... Perhaps that should change"

George: "Bring it oldy!" 


George stopped his stance and looked at his phone. 

George: "You all are lucky this time! Next time I see you, you'll have a whole makeover!" 

With that, George ran off.

Y/N: "Well, that's that"

Zayla tugged on Zen's hand.

Zayla: "Let's head home, Zenny"

Blushing from the nickname for the second time, Zen followed behind her. This left Y/N, Emilia, and Sasha.

Sasha: "It's a bit late isn't it? How about I make some dinner for you two"

Y/N: "Free food? I'm in!"

Timeskip brought to you by two roaches in a fighting ring

Y/N and Emilia are seen sitting side by side on the couch as Sasha cooked in the background. The coupled talked with each other about video games until Sasha called them over.

Y/N: "Woah! It smells so good!"

Emilia: *smirk* "My mother has the best cooking"

Y/N: "We'll see about that"

Y/N looked at his plate to see some lasagna along with some garlic bread. He pierced his fork into the lasagna and took a bite. 

Y/N: "Is this heaven?"

He began digging in and it didn't look like he would stop any time soon. Emilia was eating at a similar pace.

Sasha: "I'm glad you like it, son-in-law"

Emilia and Y/N blushed red.

Emilia: "Mom! We're still in school!"

Sasha: "I know, I know. But there's no such thing as too early you know?"

After that, the table went quiet and everyone enjoyed their meal. Minutes go by and everyone finishes. Y/N and Emilia are both on the couch holding their stomachs while Sasha washed the dishes, 

Y/N: "I'm stuffed...."

Emilia: "Ugh... It was too good..."   

Sasha finished the dishes and walked over to the couple. 

Sasha: "It seems it's about time Y/N goes home. It's almost past 12:00"

Y/N: "That's right... Almost forgot... Let me just rest here for a second..."

About 15 minutes passed and Y/N stood up.

Y/N: "Alright, I'm heading out"

Y/N stood at the front door and kissed Emilia goodbye. Her face flushed and she smiled widely.

Thus, the day ended.


Alright gang, the next chapter will finally start moving the plot some more. 

Also, don't expect Y/N to do some crazy martial arts when he gets in a fight. He's just a regular kid down the block. A side character to be specific. Plus, that ain't a trope I like very much.

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