Rise of the Great Devourer

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-End of Intro-

-Location Destiny Bounty-

-Kai POV-

As we grab the silver fang blades as we walk out of the kitchen when we feel the heat when Jay said.

Jay: *getting hot.* Boy, it's hot out here...

Kai: Can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Cole: Hey what's wrong with Wu?

Zane: No clue, let's go ask him.

Kai: Agree on that Zane. But, where is Lloyd?

Jay: *looks around.* I have no idea where he is.

Cole: Guys, he training under the deck.

Ninja: Oh.

As we walked down and went towards Wu.

-Lloyd POV-

As I train when I got smack by a punching bag when I be held by PYTHOR?!

Lloyd: P-Pythor! What are you doing here?!

Pythor: Oh I ain't going to tell you that my dear boy, but I have other plansss to do.

He tied me up on the punching bag as he duck taped my mouth as he leave.

-Jay POV-

As we went to our Sensei Wu as Kai ask him.

Kai: What's wrong sensei?

Wu: I fear I won't be here much longer.

Kai: What? You live a long life.

Cole: *elbow Kai arm.*

Kai: *get elbow by Cole.* Ow!

Wu: But enough talk. Throw the four silver fang blades into the lava.

Jay: Sure thing sensei.

As we about to throw all four silver fang blades into the lava when the ship move since one of the engines gone out when Wu falls off the wooded plank as we save him.

Cole: *grabs Wu.* You ain't going anywhere!

Wu: Thanks Cole. I would repay you.

As Kai pulled us back in as we hear Nya over the Intercom.

Nya: *over the intercom.* Something or someone has sabotage one of the engines!


Then we heard Lloyd on the intercom.

Lloyd: *on the intercom.* PYTHOR IS ON BROAD!!!

Ninja/Wu: What!

That's when Pythor comes out holding all four silver fang blades in his hand as Lloyd came out and distracting him for a bit when Nya came.

Pythor: I never except for a child to underssstand.

Lloyd: Hey! I am still learning, also I keep you distracting while the Calvary arrives!

Pythor: *turns around and saw Nya.* Oh dear...

Lego Ninjago x Female Reader: The mother of the serpent and the wife of OverlordWhere stories live. Discover now