Can of Worms

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-End of Intro-

-Location Destiny Bounty-

-Lloyd POV-

As I was in the destiny bounty as my uncle Wu told me to stir things up with the ninja as I did, but I did Kai first, as I saw him when he grab the controller and said.

Lloyd: Hey, Kai. Heh. Saw Cole beat your high score. You should've seen it, it was pretty spectacular.

Kai: Uh, you must be talking about Sitar Legend, this is "Fist to Face II."

Lloyd: Uh, could be wrong later. *walks away and whistle.*

Kai: *look at the screen and saw all Cole.* Huh? Cole!

(I just had to do it)

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(I just had to do it)

Then I went to the kitchen and saw Cole when he said.

Cole: Mm, mm. Violetberry soup, my culinary achievement. If the recipe is not followed exactly— *grunts.*

Lloyd: By the way, I saw Jay spice things up, I told him not to, but he said your cooking could use it. Bye, Cole. *walks away.*

Cole: *coughs.* Jay!

As I went to the decks where Jay is training with his robot.

Jay: *picks up and remote and press it on.* *set it down and grabs protection helmet.* let's ease our way into this. How about level two, shall we?

As he pressed the button as the level number went to level 9 when I said.

Lloyd: Hey, Jay, I saw Zane try to repair the sparring-bot earlier, isn't that your expertise? Later, bro.

Jay: Wait, what? *sparring-bot comes.* No. No! *get absolute wreck.* Zane!

Then I saw Zane doing laundry as I went to him and he said.

Zane: Hello, Lloyd. What brings you up here this fine morning?

Lloyd: Kai wanted me to pick up his ninja suit, he said he threw it in with your whites. *open basket and grabs Kai suit.* Here it is. Thanks. *walks away.*

Zane: *smiles and grabs his suit and saw his suit pink.*

Then I went to my auntie Y/n room to take her underwear's and replaced it with bras, while I take my auntie Io Dammer as I walk away, til I hear both auntie Y/n and Io shouting.

Lego Ninjago x Female Reader: The mother of the serpent and the wife of OverlordWhere stories live. Discover now