Snake Bite and Y/n new baby egg(part two)

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-End of Intro-

-Location the Destiny Bounty, Y/n room sunrise-

-Y/n POV-

As I was waking up by two of my babies twin's playing with my tail as I look at them as I smile, I use my tail to bring my babies closer to me as Shah use her baby hands to feel my face while Stan accidentally bit my tail when making a loud yelp and scaring Shah and Stan, I calm them so they wouldn't cry anymore maybe they are hungry so I take my baby twins went to the kitchen table and put them both in booster seat as I went to the kitchen and grab baby food as I did, I saw the same box as I open it one item and a note.

(Neon Black officer)

Y/N: Plastic army men?

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Y/N: Plastic army men?

Then I read the note and it said.

Note: I hear you give birth to twins, I wish I was there, but be prepared to leave the destiny bounty to save Jay's parents, and the code is N.

Y/N: Mm, N I suppose.

I hide the note like I did yesterday as the box disappeared and place the plastic army men on the counter as I went back to the kitchen table and open the baby food and start feeding and making weird noises too as I feed Shah and Stan when the ninja comes in and saw my baby twins serpent as when come in.

Wu: I see you are feeding your baby twins, but we are heading to Jay parents place.

Y/N: I will come and who is that behind you?


Akai: Hi aunt Zeta

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Akai: Hi aunt Zeta.

Y/N: *realize it was my niece* Akai! *teleports to Akai* My sweet little horn! *hugs Akai*

Akai: *hugs back* Hi, oh and I am babysitting Shah and Stan while you guys are off to Jay's parents.

Y/N: Alright, I haven't seen my dragon in years, but she probably molding and go to their adulthood, either way make sure-

Lego Ninjago x Female Reader: The mother of the serpent and the wife of OverlordWhere stories live. Discover now