34|| 'Husband Jeon' & 'Mrs. Love ♡'

Start from the beginning

I giggled at his struggles and we walked towards our car in the reserved parking lot. I looked at Jungkook, asking him to unlock the car. He pressed the key with a sigh and i looked at him. Concern taking over my eyes.

"Want me to drive?" I asked and he shook his head. He walked towards the drives seat and looked at me from over the roof of the car.

"I won't ever let my lady to drive when I'm here.." he said with a chuckle and got into the car.

"Flirt.." i mumble under my breath making sure he heard it.

"Just for you babe~" he said and his gaze towards the rear view mirror. The car was perfectly taken out of the basement and puff we were on the night roads of the busy city of Seoul.

"By the way... I have a meeting rescheduled tomorrow..." Jungkook said. My gaze shifted from the window to him. His sleeve was as usually rolled up to his elbow and his buttons were unbuttoned again.

The windows came down and the air gushed inside, making my hair displace beautifully. I set the stray strands of my hair behind my ear while a confused look took over me.

"But we have the party.." i said and he nodded, agreeing with me.

"Yeahh i know.. but this client will be leaving for Italy soon and i need to have a meeting before he leaves.." he said, glancing me time to time. I sadly nodded... But why sadly? Maybe becuz i won't get to see him tomorrow? Maybe..?


[Unniee trust me, oppa likes you back. Just confess] should i?

-if he likes me then why can't he confess instead!?- i argued back. How much ever stereotypical i may sound, but in my story I'm not going to be the one who confesses first.

[Uff i cant with you guys!] She sighed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror while drying my hair.

[Ok whatever... I'm hoping for the best for you guys... Tae's back so i gotta go..]

-Byee take care!- with that i cut the call.

I understand that even he might have those special things for girls confessing... But... But i don't want to confess first... First of all! Is confessing by words necessary? Why is it? Can't we let the other person know by actions instead of words!?

My thoughts came to an end when i heard the door open and close. "Hey you saw my phone?" He asked and i shook my head as no. "Didn't you take that with you to study?" I question him and he nodded, head up, facing the ceiling while he tried to think.

"I'll give it a ring. You go to study to check up if you left it there." I said, unlocking my phone to call him up. Jungkook nodded and walked out of the room while i searched for his contact. Husband Jeon. I clicked on the call button and waited for the line to connect.

Seconds later i heard the buzzing of the phone in the room. "Aish.. it's here!" I said, walking closer the sound trying to track that down. I moved the bunch of pillows to a side, and finally i found his phone, lying upside down under the sea of pillows.

"Jungkook it's here-" the contact made my lungs run out of air. I started at those letters until Jungkook came.

"Thank you..." He said and slipped the phone out of my fingers while also pulling me to bed.

'Mrs. Love ♡'
That's what he saved my contact as.
And, the second the phone stopped ringing, it showed the wallpaper.

It was me in the wedding gown, facing my back towards the phone.
And it's the photo took in the bridal store.


Many people hate this thing of girls being specific about the topic 'only boys should confess first.' i understand you guys, but the feeling when they confess first feels real good (I'm telling this with experience)

Personally, this is my choice of confessing..

Thank you for reading 'Mr & Mrs Ceo'
Pls vote and support!!

~Inha Choi.

Mr. & Mrs. CEO || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now