{ 16: Darkness Blooms }

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Darkness Blooms

DAYS passed before the Aulup Bevatore returned. Those days passed in emotional solitude; in silent anguish. Lykalis searched futilely for clues within the castle, reading books upon books on Otello's history and Sidiem's beginnings. Luciano shared her frustrations, however, his patience saved him from emotional purgatory.

When General Atanase brought Viscountess Eris's servant, he held her with a tenderness that Lykalis had never witnessed from the Nyx Ippuroi. It was perplexing, if not utterly strange.

Lykalis and Luciano stood at the center of the throne room, accompanied by Osteria, who stood to the left of her Heiress. 

The servant caught sight of the Heir and Heiress. She immediately let her eyes drop to the floor, hands trembling as she clung to General Atanase. He wore a passive mask as he placed the servant in front of the trio. She futilely gripped into him as the General carefully brought her to her knees. He released her, standing besides the Heir.

The rest of the Aulup Bevatore remained behind the servant, standing in rows of four, lines of three.

"State your full name, age and occupation." Luciano stated with a firm tone.

She swallowed hard, hands shaking against her knees.

Lykalis observed the girl of small stature. Her fox ears were the hue of sheet metal, tail a darker shade. Her clothes were of brown tones, dressed in a set of commoner's clothes which reflected her status in the kingdom.

She was terrified beyond measure, intimidated by both the presence of the Heir and the Koltean who stood besides him. Lykalis could see this in the way her small frame shook. Her brown fox years were flat against her head, tail tucked and eyes filled with fear.

She felt no sympathy for the servant, yet she could hear the lenience in Luciano's voice. His demeanor was softer than usual, and the grip he had on his cane was loose.

"Alessia Léfevre." The servant's voice trembled. "Sixteen. Prior. . .Viscount Alois's maid."

Her lips shook, hesitating as she spoke the Viscount's name.

Silence permeated the area, and before anyone could speak, a soft drip, drip sound echoed in the cavernous room. The source of the sound continued to kneel, tears trickling down her cheeks and hitting the gold tile below.

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