Meanwhile on V.I.L.E Island

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   "HOW COULD YOU HAVE LET HIM GET AWAYY!" Coach Brunt shouted, smashing a chair into the wall. "I for one agree with Coach Brunt on this—" He dodged a book that flew alarmingly close to his face. "delicate matter." Said Professor Maelstrom. "Well.. uhm.." Tigress stammered. Making a failed attempt to try and find the correct words to say. "Well what?! This mere child could be the key to stopping Carmen Sandiego, and you don't even have a face?!" Dr. Bellum shouted in a fit of rage. "Please tell me you do at least know something about the girl?" An unhappy Countess Cleo said.
   "We do, and we know where they'll both be next. On some camping school field trip pretty far away from their houses." Tigress stated. "We'll get to it, and your other two Graduates are coming with you." Maelstrom hissed. "Or I'll fold you both like a lawn chair if I don't have one of those kids in my clutches BY FRIDAY!" Brunt Shouted before ending the call.

This is about to get real bad.

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