Chapter Fourteen: Field Trip?: Tuesday Evening - Early Wednesday Morming

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Player's Pov:
    You and Y/n have had a long day full of awkward stares, lots of people asking why you left, the occasional whisper, and of course an unfortunate of school work. But one thing that has been something other thank awkward or tiring is the information a field trip that will be coming up tomorrow on Wednesday. Naturally you decided to tell your parents who decided it would be best for you to go to make some new friends or whatever. But, you love your parents and they always look out for you, so you decided to go. Plus, you'll be with your friends. So naturally you'll have fun if you're with them. And the current situation since school is over and you've finished your excessive amount of homework, you're on a call with team red.

Y/n's Pov:
   "Nothing really happened today." Player informs everyone else. "Yeah, not too much happened." You add. "Oh! But there is a field trip coming up tomorrow, we're going camping." You inform everyone.
"A field trip? Sounds fun! Are you guys excited?" Carmen asked. "I guess." Player mumbled. "I am, I've never been camping before." You exclaimed. "It's not like the awkward stares we've been getting all day since everyone thought player died or sum'." You chuckled. "Yeah, unfortunately I've been getting some more from Zack and Ivy. Player grumbled. "Unruly Pranksters." Shadowsan hissed at the two. "Lighten up! We just... acquired new information." Ivy awkwardly rambled. "Mhm." Zack nodded in agreement.
   "Spill." You insisted. "I'm not completely sure you and Player would want that." Zack muttered. "You and Player shared the same look before realizing Zack and Ivy somehow knew you were together. Then your faces both expressed slight but masked shock. "Zack, Ivy, Player. Private call. Now." You demanded before inviting them to a separate call. Leaving Carmen and Shadowsan alone, and most likely confused.
   "How, When, Why." Player insisted knowing upon entering. Both of you were visibly upset that someone either snitched, or a different someone snooped. "Well, it was when we were pretending to be the police." Ivy stated. "Yeah, Shadowsan and Carm had searched the downstairs while we searched the upstairs. And while we were in Player's room, Ivy saw this weird box thing with a secret compartment." Zack explained. Player's eyes widened. "You snooped through my stuff!" He shouted unhappily. "No! Well, yes.. but.." Ivy stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.
   "What was in the compartment?" You asked player. "A journal I keep. I write down stuff about my everyday life and what not." Player informed you." Now informed, and satisfied with the answer, you shift your attention to Zack and Ivy. Zack chuckled nervously, whereas Ivy looked away. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Even through the screen you could tell the vibes were way off."What do we do now?" Player asked for your suggestions. "I guess we leave them for now." You reply. "Zack, Ivy. Seriously, don't do that."You unhappily before leaving the call. You imagine Player Zack and Ivy left briefly after. Since the tension was still insane between you four, non of you spoke with each other for the rest of the evening.

Time Skip - Monday Morning

Player's Pov:
   "A two day trip." You muttered to yourself. "I actually can't believe I'm okay with this. A few months ago, and I would never have wanted to do something like this." You add on whilst you are putting stuff inside your bag. You'll be outdoors for the entirety of the two days, so you need to be prepared with stuff that would make sense to bring for a 2 night camping trip. It's a shame you can't bring your house with you. You would've gladly done so.
  Unfortunately, you won't be choosing who you're sleeping in the room with on the trip. So things may go south in that area. It's also separated by gender. Which is not something you like to see anywhere, but makes sense in terms of the things you've seen go on at your school. You get a group call from Alice, Jackson, And Y/n. Since you're all in the same grade, even though you and Y/n are in a different class than Alive and Jackson, you'll be together throughout some parts of the trip, so that's a positive.
   You enter the call, and everyone greets you, in return you greet them back. "I'm so excited!" Alice exclaimed, munching on chips. "I'm not all that thrilled, I've never even been camping before." Jackson replies, his camera off. "I've never been either, but I've always wanted to go." Y/n informs you all. "My family, parents included, aren't really big on the outdoorsy life, so I don't really get all of the fun in nature I'd like to have." She scoffed.
   "What about you Player?" Jackson asked. "Oh, I've been camping a few times when I was little." You informed. "That's cool! Have you ever had any strange experiences?" Y/n exclaimed, asking you.
   "I was a bit of a weirdo when I was little." You chuckled. "I remember one time I thought Bigfoot was gonna come and eat me so I climbed up a tree and refused to get down for TWO HOURS." You said, laughing. Everyone else laughed and shared their thoughts on the situation before it was time for everyone to go since you don't wanna be late for school.
   Upon leaving the call, you grabbed your bag, and checked one last time to make sure you have everything you needed. You nervously stood at your bedroom doorway slightly sweating. One thing you knew wouldn't like about this trip is that it would remind you of him. A certain someone, a someone who entered and left your life so quickly a not-so-long time ago.

Your father, your real father.

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