+Extremely Late Valentines Day Special+

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Author's Note: I am well aware that this is late, I completely forgot to do this. This is NOT part of the story! But yeah, let's get on with it.

Y/n's Pov:
"Y/n! We'll be home around 9:00!" Your mother shouts to you from the kitchen. "What? Why?" You say to her in reply, very confused while putting your jacket on. "Me and your father will be out for Valentine's Day." She says to you as you come downstairs. Oh, you completely forgot about Valentines Day! "Alright then, can I hang out with a friend or three today?" You ask your mother. "Alright, but do say.... will one of these "friends" be one of our neighbors? Specifically P/n Bouchard?" Your mother asks with a smug look on her face. "Yes, and why did you say "friends" like that??" You ask while putting on your shoes, already half knowing what she was hinting at. "Nothing...anyways head out for school now before the bus ends up missing you." She says to you in reply. You both say your goodbyes and you walk out the door.
Since you and Player are keeping it secret you guys are more than "Close Friends", you wonder what you'll do for Valentines Day... as long as it's a more casual thing. You both enjoy simple things, like movies at each other's houses, or maybe just heading to the park. Oh wait, the bus is here.

-One six hour time skip later-
   You finally get home, fortunately for you, you have no homework today. How lucky. Now...what will you do today..? You REALLY wanna do something with Player today. Maybe just chill at his house? You messaged Alice and Jackson on the bus, they won't be able to make it.

(Alice and Jackson are NOT dating!!)

   You make a decision to call Player. Once he picks up, you both greet each other. After some small talk about what you both had done today at school/homeschool, the conversation shifts to what you will do today.
   "I was thinking we could just watch movies at your house, or go to the park maybe." You inform him. "I don't have a problem with either of those, you can choose though." Player says in response. It's a hard decision... Right now, EVERYTHING matters. It's Valentines Day for goodness sake. You don't wanna seem too weird, but you want to chill with him..and you also wouldn't be mad at a kiss. But that's besides the point. You want to have a good day with Player, but since it's Valentines Day, anything you say or do can be taken the wrong way. Or just end up getting everything really awkward. It would just be unnecessary, uncomfortable and upsetting.
   "Y/n?" Player asks you, breaking you out of your deep thought in the process. "Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking about something that my parents said earlier. We can just watch movies at your place." You say, kindly and awkwardly. "Alright then! See you at 4:00?" He asks. "See you then." You say before ending the call. Once you end the call and make sure nobody's looking at you through your windows while they walk by. You immediately throw your phone onto your rug, where it bounces next to your clothes hamper, and fling yourself onto your bed. "AUGGHH, that went horrible!" You scream into your pillow. "It's 2:50 and I barely have any idea on what I'm gonna wear!" You scream some more.

One Y/n fashion montage later -

After about 45 minutes of trial and error, you finally found something to wear. A long black t-shirt, some jeans, (insert your favorite shoes that would be good for this situation), and a button up sweater. It's a cute and fitting outfit. And you've already freshened up. Now, you just need to wait until 3:55, and show up at 4:00 on the dot. Because to be on time is very important, you don't want to keep him waiting. Since it's only 3:35 you have some time. Naturally, you sit and watch some YouTube on your phone until it turns 3:55. Once you're about to leave your house, you realize you left Player's gift inside your room. You rush upstairs to get the small bag with a handwritten note saying how much he means to you, and some of his favorite candies. By the time you leave the house, it's 3:57.

Player's Pov:
   Anxiously, you're waiting for Y/n. You made an effort to clean up, freshen up, get some snacks you both like, and pick out a few movies in advance in case you both have trouble deciding. Well, you don't know why you're so nervous.. you guys hang out at each other's houses all the time, and you make an effort to clean up every time. So why are you so nervous today? You know it's Valentines Day, and you already got her a gift. Her favorite snack along with two fake flowers and a handwritten note you made for her as a thank you for being by your side, you would've gotten real ones, but Y/n doesn't exactly have a green thumb.. hopefully she likes your gift though. If she doesn't you'd feel really sorry and upset.
You sit there waiting until you hear Y/n knocking at the door. "Player? It's Y/n." You hear her call out. You make your way to the front door after leaving Y/n's gift in the small bag you bought for it on the couch. Once you open the door, you both greet each other with smiles and a hug. You notice Y/n hugged your with one arm as her other hand is behind her back. You decide to think nothing of it, and you both walk into the living room where you hand her the gift. She seems slightly shocked as you didn't plan on exchanging gifts. Before she even seems to think about opening hers, she hands you a gift bag she got for your gift. Now you're both shocked.. and quite quiet.

"Thank you."

   You both say in unison before laughing your heads off. "Do you wanna open them now or later?" She asks you after she's done laugh. "Your call." You say in reply. "I would normally say later.. but the suspense is killing me. More so on the end that I really hope you don't hate my gift. So let's open them now." She says to you while looking away in a shy manner. You both open the gifts and look astonished and happy.

"I love it!" You say in unison again.

Y/n's Pov:

   You laugh some more and Player moves closer to you. Now you're completely facing each other, and about a few inches apart on the couch. You also aren't visible from the window. "You're too sweet." Player says before kissing you on the cheek. Your face goes a little red. And you decide to kiss him on the cheek too.

"I can say the same for you."

Close "Friends" (Player x Fem Reader Fanfic) Carmen Sandiego (QUIT.)Where stories live. Discover now