Chapter 3- I'm the definition a creepy hormonal stalker

Start from the beginning

"Okay. TMI girl. What did you do? Stalk him?" She jokes.

I remain silent and pretend to clean the a table.

"You did not!" She gasped.

I bite my lip and hesitantly looked at her.

"Does that make me creepy?"

"Yes." She answered.

I winced when she said that. I know it's very creepy and all but people don't understand. Tyler is the only person in my life who makes me happy. Plus I know he will never be mine so all I can do is watch him from afar.

"But I get it. Unrequited love. If it helps I too had loved someone who never loved me back. He was the basketball team captain. Well when I graduated from high school I decided to get over it. It's not like I'll see him again." She said smiling sadly. "Well here's to people like us who sit on the sidelines and watch as the people they love leave."

"Here's to people like us." I muttered.


The day has been rather slow and boring. Josephine is back in the freezer doing something.

I check the clock and see that there's only ten minutes left to four. Only ten minutes until I get to see Tyler again.

The door bell jingled signaling another new customer's entry.

"Welcome to Charlie's Ice Cream factory! What can I get you?" I say with fake enthusiasm.

"Hey Beth."

It's Clarissa.

"Hey Clarissa. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. You?" she smiled.

"Great. So what can I get you?"

"Cookie dough."

"Coming right up." I scoop up the ice cream in a cone and hand it to her. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah. I need to talk to you. It's important."

'Oh." I was a bit shocked. Why would Clarissa Brown need my help? "What is it?"

'You're a good student right?"

"Straight A's."

"That's good. See the thing is I barely passed this year in high school and I need help. Mum and Dad said that if I don't get my grades up then it'll be goodbye cheerleading team and I love cheerleading. So I need you to tutor me." She said.

Wait what? Tutor? Me? Her? What?

"I..what?" I stuttered.

"I need you to tutor me. I'm not going to force you but I'm pretty sure I can give you something in return. Anything! Invites to parties, dates anything."

Tyler's number probably? I could get that from her....Whoa! Hold up there Lizzy! You're are definitely being creepy now.

I opened my mouth but was cut off by the jingling of the bells.

"Eli!" Tracy giggled as she ran towards me, well towards the ice cream.

"Hey Tracy! How are you?"


"That's great! But I know something that'll make you happier."


"Strawberry Ice Cream!"

"Yay!" She clapped her little hands enthusiastically.

I scooped up the ice cream and added some sprinkles.

"Here ya go Tracy."

"Thanks." Tyler says.

"No problem." I breathed.

"Tyler." Clarissa greets.

"Rissa." Tyler smiled and hugged her. I gripped the counters tightly and clenched my jaws. No. I'm not going to be jealous.

"Good to see you."

"Yeah good to see you too. Hi Tracy."

Tracy didn't say anything instead she just frowned. Huh, guess she doesn't like her.

"Tracy say hi."

"It's okay Ty. Anyway see you around right?"

"Yeah I'll see you. Thanks Eli." With that he paid for the ice cream and left.

"So you like Tyler huh?" Clarissa says as soon as Tyler left.

"What?" I froze. "Of course not! Don't be ridiculous! I do not like him!"

"I have an idea." She announced grinning widely.

I raised my eyebrows and motioned her to continue.

"I know how to repay you for tutoring me."


"Let me make you a deal. You tutor me so that I pass high school with...well not flying colors because I'm not that smart, but you know with good enough grades so that I can get out of high school."

"And what exactly do I get out of this?"

"Simple: You tutor me and I tutor you."

"For what?"

"To be a cheerleader. It'll be like an assignment. Let's call this Project Pom Pom."

Yeah! I uploaded! Okay I know I promised I'll update two chapters and I will but I wanted to leave a cliffhanger but I swear i'll update on the 18th. I'll make the Unbreakable Vow!

Anyway dedicated to Forever_Yours_too for the amazing trailer! Guys check her out she's great.

Until next time.



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