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Adrien was at Argos' hideout in the abandoned warehouse. His cousin installed microscopic cameras at Monarch's lair to keep an eye on him if he does something way too evil to endanger Paris.

"I swear. I saw he released an akuma but he didn't say the victim's name. I don't like this, Adrien" Argos said while looking at the camera on his laptop.

"Whoever it is, we're in big trouble whoever the next akuma will be" Adrien watched the footage, seeing how the cataclysm has reached Monarch's face.

"What the hell was he thinking? That cataclysm is gonna kill him" Argos said.

"Like I remember, he rather be a coward than face justice," Adrien said.

"I better hope the akuma isn't sent to Lila since she's sent to Italy now," Argos said.

"If it's her, my fangs will make my father talk. His men are after me for the past few months. The brand company has too many guards that I can't get past" Adrien paced back and forth.

"Something is bothering me, cousin. I know you're hiding something and I know it's not just about protecting Marinette" Argos said.

"Alright but be ready on that one" Adrien knew he couldn't keep his secret.

"I'm listening," Argos said.

"Marinette is five months pregnant with my daughter" Adrien confessed.

"She's WHAT?!" Argos gasped.

Adrien covered Argos' mouth, "Would you keep it down?!" He removed his hand.

"Sorry. But you two are only 15" Argos pointed out.

"Well blame the hormones. I had no idea she was pregnant while I was dead" Adrien said.

"Is that why Lila wanted to kill her?" Argos asked.

"Apparently. She went crazy after finding out my princess was pregnant" Adrien replied, "I can't remember the encounter when I took the hit to save my love" He added.

"Well from everyone's view, you rushed towards Marinette as Lila threw her weapon at her. I was at the scene with people of Paris watched" Argos said.

(Argos' Flashback)

Felix was out with Kagami on the day it happened when suddenly he heard Marinette's cries for help when Lila in her akumatized form Vengeance was cornering Marinette and with a sadistic grin pointed at her while holding her weapon.

"This is the end Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Prepare to perish for what you've done to me!" Vengeance screamed.

"Don't do this, Lila! It was your fault!" Marinette begged.

"You think it's my fault?! You exposed me in front of everyone! From now on, I am Vengeance!" Vengeance shouted.

Felix saw Adrien looking terrified at this. There are two options he had to choose from. Push Lila from throwing the weapon at Marinette or push Marinette to take the hit for her.

Adrien had no time to push Vengeance as she threw the spear at Marinette. She wasn't fast enough to move aside, so Adrien tackled Marinette aside and the spear impaled him.

"ADRIEN!!!" Marinette screamed in horror.

"NO!" Felix gasps at the sight.

Adrien stood limply looking at his chest before falling over, breathing fast. The akuma was recalled from Lila and she watched in shock at what she did.

Marinette ran over to Adrien, holding her boyfriend up, "Adrien! No please no!" Marinette started to cry.

"Marinette" Adrien weakly looks up at her.

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