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At the cafeteria, Cat Adrien didn't know he can eat normal food like drinking warm milk. He thought his stomach is dead but apparently, it's undead. He doesn't understand what it means to be undead when he has no pulse.

"Enjoying it Kitty?" Marinette asked him.

He just nodded at her to not reveal himself, "Meow"

"He's so cute. Is he a stray?" Mylene asked.

"Yes, he is. He has been by my side since Adrien's passing" Marinette said.

"Look at him. He's like a gentleman" Alya pets him.

"Yeah, he is," Marinette said.

"Meow" Cat Adrien rubs his sides on Nino.

"Awww... good boy" Nino pets him.

"I named him Adrien," Marinette said.

"In tribute to him, I presume" Nino scratched Cat Adrien's chin.

"Puuuuurrrrrrr" Cat Adrien purred.

"So cute," Rose said.

He then growled at Kim, remembering that horrible prank he did on Marinette, "Whoa whoa! Easy there" Kim said.

"Calm down, kitty. Calm down" Marinette pets her kitty to calm him down.

Cat Adrien kept his glare at Kim, knowing that the prank was harmful. Even if it was from Chloe's idea but Kim was not aware of what harmful pranks can really do.

Later on, Marinette was by her locker with Cat Adrien, "I remember a few of them but I still remember what Kim has done to you" Cat Adrien growled lowly.

"It was Chloe's idea from the start," Marinette said.

"That's why I ended my friendship with her," Cat Adrien said.

"Good," Marinette said while arranging some things in her locker.

"My amnesia is starting to go away a little. I miss everyone I care about" Cat Adrien said.

"And it's hard since many think you're dead," Marinette said.

"You, Kagami, and Felix already know I'm alive. Undead actually" Cat Adrien licks his paw.

"Yes. Well, I hope your father won't find out" Marinette said.

"When my mother disappeared, he was obsessed with her that he forgot about me being his son. He barely cares about me" Cat Adrien said.

"Or not at all. He can't know that I'm carrying our baby" Marinette said.

"He's a very powerful rich man, milady. I remember him blaming me but himself. I spent my whole life obeying him instead of standing up to myself" Cat Adrien said.

"And now you're free from his clutches" Marinette got down to pet him.

"For now, but he won't rest when my 'dead' body is found," Cat Adrien said.

"Yeah. My kitty" Marinette pets him more.

He soon nuzzled on her belly. His kitten was growing inside. He can feel it.

"Our little kitten" He smiled.


A while later when night arrived, he flew as a bat to Kagami's place to have a word with his cousin. Even if he did forgive him but he still has a long way to gain trust. He remembers that day when he impersonated him and sent a cruel video to his friends which caused 3 girls to get akumatized.

"Coming to scold me again? I'm trying to live in the present!" Felix crossed his arms.

Adrien morphed back to human form, "Mostly yes. I remember the day those girls confused both of us. But it was funny that you got knocked off the roof and milady saved you from certain death"

Rise of Bat Noir 🦇Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang