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I had trusted too fast, too hard. That's why when ma told me we were going to watch a fight I didn't doubt her. Yet here I stand in the middle of a children's park, with a two year old girl climbing my legs and her five years old brother throwing a tantrum and promising me pain.

I'm sure the bored look on my face ticked him off more, because he pushed me, not that it made much impact, but I placed my pointer finger on his fore head and shoved, he flew a few feet back and my eyes widen. Rushing to him to ensure his safety ,

'Hey kid, you OK??'

I froze when I saw the bump on his forehead, right where I had shoved him. A huge throbing bump, the size of a golf ball. I blinked, looking around the park, I simply grabbed him by his collar, and marched with the other brat hanging off my leg to the closest ice cream booth, ordering his favourite flavour, I handed it to him and said, ' when your ma comes, I have nothing to do with that nasty bruise on your head, alright??' The little fucker looked up at me and nodded a yes.

I let the kids run off and do whatever it was that happy kids did.
I looked at them run round the little field and I felt a squeeze in my heart.

"Hunkrd vert ra duink‽" (are you jealous?)
I looked to my left and saw her. The first time she appeared to me was at the hospital years ago, if I had seen her before then I couldn't remember because I lost my memories before the hospital.

She was a twisted psychopath, but she only voiced thoughts I locked within, she had nothing to lose, we had nothing to lose .
I looked away from her to keep watching the kids.
She was right, I was jealous, I was jealous that they could run free, I was jealous because my one shot at happiness was snatched from me.

Woof, woof an aggressive dog broke off its leash and tried to attack the brat, as if the bump on the fuckers head wasn't enough for one day. The kid was on one corner screaming, I walked to the scene and grabbed the dog by its neck, it fought against me, it was a full grown rottweiler.
I dragged it up to my face

"Illerark" (submit)

The dog whimpered at the force of the command and shifted its head to show its neck, I tossed the dog away and went back to my previous position.

I could feel the gaze of the adults around, some mortified at the way I handled the dog, while some were in awe at how I calmed the dog.
I pursed my lips and looked ahead.

I had gotten used to the stares, I also learned the hard way to never react.

"I corver ner kat mumbis" ( we are different)

I heard her but I didn't reply, I would only look stupid, I was the only one that could see her, yet I could touch her, hold her. It was like she had a solid body of her own that only I could see and touch.


'Thank you so much for watching the kids'

'I was tricked'

' haha, At least you all came back in one piece aside from the nasty bruise on Jason's forhead'

'I had nothing to do with it '

'He already told me'

'That little fucker'

He betrayed me even after the peace offering I had given him.

I looked at ma as she walked round the little kitchen, and my full height of 6'2 making the kitchen appear smaller than it really was.

I would die if ma asked, I owed her my life, she had given me a second chance at living, I would fight nations for her.

'How's the new job'

After ma had saved me and nursed me  ack to health for months, I spent my time working part time jobs to help the household, although she has been talking about us moving away from everything to start fresh but I couldn't care where we go as long as she is safe.

'It's fine'

"Milark evert coundinkg bonttg" ( aside from a few broken bones)

'I'm going out for a jog, ma. Lock the doors, I will find a way in'

I wasn't one for long talks, it was usually draining so I didn't bother to drag out the conversation. I was glad that ma had always been understanding, she didn't ask much questions, she had always know I was different. She would say that different was ok, but she never understood the full gravity of how different I was and I pray she never does.

Ma came and gave me a kiss on both my palms, she couldn't reach my forehead and I had a thing against bowing so she settled for my palms.

I stood up and walked off to the back door and led to the woods, I walked in to the forest, to a point I was sure that there will be no humans around but close enough to listen in on ma and the brats.

I jogged round for a bit, covering my tracks and making sure I wasn't being followed.
I stripped off my clothes.

And then I released them.

Another chapter done and down

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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