30. Bathroom Rendezvous (M)

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A week has passed after their talk with CEO, and sky and jungkook were secretly working together on their plan to get out from this marriage arrangement without getting in any troubles with the CEO. Becky's shoot for the company is ended and now CEO arranged a big party to announce her as the new brand face of the company. Becky and sky were not able to get intimate after that because of her periods and then they never got any chance until now.

Sky went together with jungkook to the party as they need to pretend that they are happily married to each other. CEO went towards the stage and announced that becky is going to be new brand face and mark will be joining her. They both came to the stage and did their speech. Then the CEO asked sky and jungkook to come to the stage and announced that sky is going to inherit the company after him. When sky was saying her gratitudes she saw mark and becky talking to each other, she diverted her attention towards the audience but her eyes again sat on the actors talking to each other. Suddenly she saw something and her hand clenched the mic tightly and she stopped speaking for a moment, because she saw mark kissing becky on her cheek and becky didn't even flinched. Instead becky gave a really bright smile and said something which made mark laugh. Sky completed her speech and went down, hiding her jealousy from the elites that gathered in the room.

After a couple of minutes sky saw becky going towards the restroom so she followed her. Nobody noticed them because they all were busy talking to each other. When sky entered the restroom she saw becky touching up her makeup in the restroom mirror. She shut the restroom door and locked it. Becky turned towards her and asked

Becky:- sky, why you locked the door?

In a swift move sky reached in front of becky and trapped her between her and the wall.

Sky:- did you enjoyed it?

Becky:- what

Sky:- the kiss

Becky:- what kiss?

Sky:- (sky pointed her finger towards becky's cheek and said) this one

Becky:- sky it was just a friendly kiss

Sky sighed and guided becky to sit on the vanity top at the spare space in between two wash basins.

Becky started to say something when sky crashed her lips to becky and becky's slammed on the mirror wall behind her. Sky started kissing her aggressively. When she stopped for air becky said "sky we are in public, stop it someone might come"

Sky:- (started kissing all over becky's neck) when he kissed you, i got so angry that if it weren't for your image as an actress and your career, i would have ordered him right there to stay away from my girlfriend (she said in between her aggressive neck kisses)

Sky then slid her hand inside becky's short dress and groped her clothed centre with her full palm, which made becky let out a low breathy moan. Sky started rubbing her hand up and down on the clothed centre. Becky tried to warn her about people barging in but sky didn't stop. Just when the door handle started clicking again and again but it didn't opened because sky locked it from inside, becky thought that sky will stop now but she was wrong. Sky looked into her eyes and said

"I don't think straight when i am jealous"

And one swift motion she removed the cloth piece that was covering the actress's centre. And leaned down while putting her legs on her shoulders. Becky tried to say something but it came out as a loud gasp because sky slammed her horizontal lips to becky's vertical lips.

The person that was trying to open the door left after trying for a couple of seconds. And sky started sucking Becky's swollen lips. Becky gripped the faucet on both her sides tightly and tilted her head slightly towards her back. Sky wasn't in the mood to stop anytime soon and becky stopped caring about others for now. She is enjoying the sensation that she is getting after so long from the girl she love. When sky shoved her tongue inside her becky moaned. She tried to stop herself from moaning again but failed when sky held her thighs tightly without removing her tongue. Sky bit her lightly and sucked again. She worked her tongue all the way inside becky when becky lost it completely and came undone. Sky removed her legs from her shoulder and stood up and kissed becky on her lips. When she stopped kissing her becky's head fell on her neck. She was panting heavily and trying to get down from the sensation that she felt just now.

Sky hugged her tightly and slid her hands up and down her back. When becky's breathing became normal she looked into sky's eyes and smiled with tired eyes.

Becky:- i am not done yet

Sky:- me too....wait until we go home then the real party will start

After that Sky helped her to clean up and get dressed. Then they retouched their makeup and left the restroom to continue the celebration.

Hey guys, finally i tried to write something not innocent. Its my first time writing something like this and its pure imagination so please don't judge.

P.S:- the writer is not that innocent in these matters when it comes to boys but don't have any experience with girls so please don't judge her imagination.

My friend got his first ticket for drink and drive last night. Me and my other friends were also with him in the car. We all were drunk and he was a bit tipsy so he decided to drive.
I just want to say please don't do this. It's dangerous for you and for others. Be responsible for yours and others safety. Don't drink and drive.

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