15. Top Becky

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Sky woke up with the sunlight falling on her face, as soon as she opened her eyes she saw a beautiful creature snuggled up to her sleeping peacefully. She remembered the happening of last night and smiled to herself.

Flashback to last night

They closed the gap between them and kissed passionately. But after a couple of seconds sky backed a step.

Sky:-(shyly) wait i think we should wait

Becky:-(confused) why

Sky:- i think its too fast...

Becky:- (cut her words) no we are not waiting. Not anymore.

And she pushed sky on the bed while climbing on top of her.

Flashback end

Sky slowly got up from the bed and checked her phone. P'chen sent a message to everyone and declared it a off day. Sky went to the bathroom and washed up.

Becky:- you got up early, haven't you received the text. Its an off day.

Sky:- actually i want to spend more time with you so completed my morning routine while you were sleeping.

Sky:- anyways go wash up, i will prepare our breakfast.

After becky went to the bathroom, sky prepared their breakfast and placed it on the dining table. But becky had something else in her mind, instead on sitting on her own chair she sat on sky's lap. Sky got surprised first but feed becky with her own hand. They decided to go shopping. They played in the arcade did their lunch and shopping. They returned to the condo when its already 5 in the evening. They decided to watch a movie and cuddled on the sofa while watching. Around 8 sky decided something and went outside to buy something. Becky was confused first but then decided to wash up in the meantime.

Sky returned and told becky to not come towards the balcony of living room, because she has a surprise for her. After sometime sky decided to take a shower while becky chatted with her friends and video called her family. Their food delivery arrived and sky received it and after 10 minutes called becky to the balcony.

Sky prepared everything for a dinner date, a cushioned mattress on the floor, a small table in between and food prepared on the table with the perfect lighting around the balcony. She also played some good music. It was a perfect house date and becky likes it so much. After dinner they went to the room, cuddled and slept in each others arms.

Next day came and they left together for the shooting site. Sky is only going there to meet them all last time because after this day she won't be able to meet everyone. Today evening she has a flight to catch. Becky has some remaining scenes to shoot and after a couple of days freen and others will start promotion for the series with her.

Sky said her goodbyes to everyone personally. She bonded with them so well all this time and now its time to leave. They all treated her like their friend and never treated her like she is not one of them.

When its time to leave Beck took her into an empty room,

Becky:- you said you will come to me every week but its the first time and you are leaving for 15 days.

Sky:- i know but this time i have to stay for 15 days. After that i will meet you every week, i promise. And we will talk everyday i promise. I know your schedule will be tight but whenever you get time just call me and i will pick up no matter where i am and what i am doing.

Becky:- promise

Sky:- promise, and please don't pout you look really cute when you do that and i won't be able to leave you if you do that.

Becky:- if that can make you stay then i will pout only.

Sky:- don't be sad please, let's just look forward to when we will meet again. I promise i will settle all this really soon and will come to you permanently.

They kissed each other and embrace each other for a long time and then said their good byes. Sky left the set and left for her home country.

Meanwhile becky signed the new project offered by a well known director which is going to start next week and will be a big break for Becky's career.

But there's a catch, she need to work with the guy who was shipped with her before and becky had to decline all the rumours on her live, because it was affecting her and people around her. Becky was sure about her feelings towards sky and she knew nothing can break them apart but she also knew that shipping messed up so many relationships before and its not that easy to deal with.

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