Chapter 22

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3 weeks have passed since the day that Caleb and I decided to cut personal contact with them entirely. It was a hard decision and sometimes we still regret it but to not get caught by anyone, we needed to do it.

It was the correct decision too, some of Vaxir and Zethra's friends started to wonder what happened to us when we were gone for a month and barely left the labs. We told them that the collars were taking longer than we thought they would be thus we focused on rushing that first.

Just about all of them accepted it since that is how the normal Vaxir and Zethra are as well and we started spending more time since we are freer now. We even got to spar against Xenophians which was a first, we lost some rounds which weren't surprising due to who we are and that Vaxir and Zethra were not good in combat anyway.

As for the collars, everyone has one already and was about halfway done with creating the extras. We did end up moving Lila and Maya to help with making the parts and as people of the RND division, they gladly accepted more knowledge and probably understood everything faster than both Caleb and I.

We still feel bad about being cold and impatient towards them but as Xenophian, they have little tolerance for humans and thus will always snap at them. The only thing that came good about this thing was that I was enjoying the newfound confidence and getting annoyed by Caleb's flirting, the others always had amused emotions whenever I get annoyed despite their glares and annoyed or disgusted expression.

With more time on our hands, we started investigating the pods since both of us kinda want to recreate something like that as it saves space and it's convenient. I still remember the face of our friends when we brought in a giant pod from the containment room and plop it in the middle of the floor and started taking it apart, talking mostly in direct and indirect ways.

However, the pods are considered side projects as we already have the blueprints downloaded and with our knowledge, it won't be hard to recreate them. What we focused our time on is our armour, with free Xenophian's resources and knowledge, it didn't take us a week to design the new armour and started working on our new armour.

All of us were in the lab doing our own stuff before the projector rang again. I glanced at Caleb with a raised eyebrow before answering the call from our leader. "Leader, is there something you need?" he asked.

"Are you done with the extra collars?" he asked.

"We are almost done, we will be finished in a day or two, why? Is there something wrong?" I asked as I hoped is not increased in orders.

The leader shook his head. "Nothing is wrong but in 2 weeks we will bring the army and the collars to Aurorium, the place where both the party and gala will be taking place," he explained.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Okay, I'm just curious but how is the entire process supposed to work?" I asked as I was genuinely curious.

The leader grinned. "On the first week of the month of the gala, the entire city is always chaotic thus sneaking in and out of the city in that condition is very easy," he explained. "However, since we are bringing a couple hundred people, our partners have given us a place to stay for the time being but everyone will need to be in pods."

I nodded in understanding before smirking. "Are we invited to such an amazing event?" I asked sarcastically.

The leader chuckled. "Between the two of you, there will be one invitation while the others have to stay behind and looked over the groups," he explained. "But, you are free to decline the invitation since I know you both are not party people."

I nodded in understanding. "After we had captured everyone, how long are we staying for before leaving?"

"About a month, at that point, our partners should be able to calm the storm."

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