Chapter 8

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Something was tickling my wrist, I twisted and turn but it was still there. I tried to scratch it only to find it was hard, after feeling around my slow mind caught up to it being my watch vibrating.

I sleepily opened my eyes as I looked at my watch, to see various warning signs. Furrowing my brows in confusion as I sat up and rubbed my eyes while blinking to see the warnings inside the common area building.

My eyes snapped wide open before I moved over to the hologram and started pulling up the cameras. I was stunned to find a dozen of tall, humanoids aliens with dark, reddish-brown shade, color skin, large, almond-shaped, yellow eyes, claws, long, pointed ears and long, flexible tail standing outside like they are waiting for something.

I checked the warning signs again to see the building is slowly being filled with paralysis smoke, I pulled my backpack over pull out two over-ear cuffs. I put them both on before pressing on the centre of one of them and it pressed across my mouth like a mask.

I started looking around to find Caleb laying face down with the others, all unmoving, by the front door of the building. "Caleb, are you alright?" I asked since I could sense that he was awake but his thoughts and emotions are everywhere.

"Nova? Get out of the building! The Xenophians are coming in!" the called out in a panic.

I glanced at the trapped door that I was able to fit in perfectly while I'm just over 5 feet while the Xenophians stand at least 6 and a half feet tall while the rest are taller. "I think I will be fine from the Xenophians considering my way in and out fit me perfectly and I'm considered small," I said back casually before looking at the screens. "Is there anyone I could call for help?"

"No, somehow they managed to shut down the communication lines, we are on our own right now," he said as I started looking up the communication lines on the system which displayed they are all active.

"No, they probably put a blocker or something to stop the signals, the communication line for the system is still working," I said quickly while pulling up the member list. "Who should I call?"

"The best option is Racheal since you don't know anyone and everyone that was on patrol is all paralysed right now," he explained as I was already calling Racheal the moment he mentioned her name.

I tapped the other cuff on my ear to allow me to speak to the outside world as Racheal's sleepy face appeared. "Who are you and what do you want?" she growled while glaring at me.

I smiled sheepishly while taking a mental note to not wake her up in the middle of the night again. "There are a dozen Xenophians here at the base and all the patrols and guards are paralyzed and they are paralyzing the people within the common areas now," I said quickly.

Racheal seem to immediately jolt awake when she heard Xenophians. "Nova? How are you- never mind, why didn't you sound the alarm?" she half yelled as I could see she was moving around.

I noticed an emergency icon started to flash on the screen while my watch is dead silent. "First of all, what alarm? Second of all, if I'm supposed to see an emergency icon on my watch, there is literally nothing." I said as I pulled over my laptop and started finding out why the connection is completely destroyed. "Finally, I'm in the secret room that you found a decade ago in the old game room, this thing is attached to the central system that's why I could call you."

"Good, stay there and don't come out, how is everyone?"

I glanced at the camera. "Does still alive count? Though I don't know for how much longer since I think just about everyone in the building is completely paralyzed," I said before looking back at the laptop. "So, there is a blocker that seems to be surrounding the entire city."

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