Chapter 14

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A month has gone by since that day and I'm currently staring at my computer with a raised eyebrow as I read the article. The past month has gone very smoothly without any major problems until today.

We have gone on 2 more missions which are a recon mission and a rescue mission with no surprises thankfully. Caleb and I have been working to upgrade all our gear from our mission suits to our gadgets to be as versatile as possible for all types of missions.

Caleb was also offered a job position by my brother and due to him being a part of Nexus, he gets to continue his normal life and occasionally joins in projects like what I have been doing. He easily accepted the position have been extremely happy since he is not limited to materials anymore and can focus completely on upgrading our suits, gadgets and weapons.

Echo has also taken a liking to her new division and probably has been spending more time learning communications than anything else. It also got Owen's approval since it really did help during the rescue mission in calming people down and organizing the escape route.

I have also been training more on my ability as well with the most important one being emotional manipulation. The reason this is so important is that I can control my emotions and think rationally during an emergency which is something I'm having trouble with generally during missions.

Overall, my ability has been growing steadily in my opinion as I have been delegating time to perfect and explore my old abilities. However, peacefulness never lasted long as I finished the article with an amused expression.

The summary and blunt version of the entire article is about bad-mouthing me along with spreading false rumours. I was both confused and amused by the development of this article and how I get involved when I did nothing.

The sound of someone banging on my door, which sounded like someone trying to break into my room, snapped me out of thought. I stood up and walked over to my door before unlocking it and opening the door to see Echo standing there nervously.

"Nova! I'm sorry that this happened, please forgive me!" she cried out while bowing.

I stood there in a dazed before looking around the living area to see Caleb and Owen in the living room looking at me with sad eyes. "What in the world happened?" I asked in complete confusion.

Echo stood up straight but was still looking down. "This all started because of me, I'm sorry," she said quietly.

I sighed before grabbing her hand and walking over to the conversation pit. "Let me sit down with comfy pillows before you start explaining everything."

I sat down on the far side of the couch while Caleb and Echo sat next to each other and Owen sat to the side, in between us. "So?"

Echo bit her lips and hesitated. "A month ago, just before our first mission, my relatives contacted me asking about my team," she started. "They asked why is my team mostly people from the low society."

"I answered them saying that it was the director's order for this team, they immediately told me to change it since it won't help the family," she snorted slightly. "When I told them no, they started arguing and threatening me and you guys."

Echo looked at the floor as Caleb put his hand on her hand. "I couldn't handle it anymore, so I told them that I'm leaving the family before hanging up on them," she said as I could see her smile. "I spent the past month moving the important stuff from my parents here and recently told the galaxy that I had officially left the family."

She sighed in defeat as I could see her clutching her fist. "They clearly didn't like that and targeted you, I'm sorry," she said softly.

I raised my eyebrow. "It's that all? Do you need help when your financial situation?" I asked since not depending on someone is hard.

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