Chapter 15

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"Wait, wait, wait," I waved my hand in front of me and wide eyes. "We are going on a what now?"

Owen sighed. "One of the directors ordered us to do this secret espionage mission," he said slowly while we all stared at him, dazed by the news.

4 months have passed since that fine day and our team has been going on team missions at least once a month but more often twice. Most of the time, the mission types are different from the previous ones thus we get to constantly learn more things and upgrade our gear.

I remembered Echo saying something about our team's gear being the most advanced and the most versatile team according to the stupid list again. I didn't want to hear more about it and tuned her out completely during her rant about our team.

I had thrown myself into training my abilities since doing computer was stressing me out thus I told my brother I will be taking a break. Now, I have a good basic understanding of my abilities, I just need to experiment and test to learn more about them.

Now, we are getting called to do a secret espionage mission by a director. A secret mission tends to be dangerous but espionage on top of that is another story, it is for a hidden Xenophian base at the border of our galaxy and it is apparently big which is the worst news.

"It's a director order, we can't disobey anyway," Caleb said as he crossed his arms while Echo and I glanced at each other. "When are we leaving then?"

"Tomorrow, so rest up and get ready at the spaceport," Owen said and we nodded understanding before splitting up to get everything prepared.

Our mission uniforms' appearance hasn't changed that much with it being sleek and futuristic, with a form-fitting design that contours to the wearer's body. The uniform is predominantly black, with metallic, coloured accents and detailing.

However, the uniforms now are made completely from nano-fibre technology that can change colour and pattern to provide camouflage and blend into the environment. The helmet is also black with metallic coloured detailing and a visor that can be lifted for greater visibility.

By the time we prepared everything, we were already on a spaceship and heading for our destination. "CONE, double-check all gear," I muttered nervously as I walked in circles.

"All systems are up and running, Nova," a female voice said with a hint of robotic.

"Nova, you are going to walk a hole into the floor," Owen commented

I look at him before looking down at the floor. "The floor is made out of reinforced metals, how am I supposed to walk a hole into reinforced metals?" I asked in disbelief.

Owen shrugged. "At least it got you to stop walking, nothing bad is going to happen so just calm down," he said calmly.

I chuckled dryly. "People say that and something tends to go wrong," I muttered before sighing and sitting down on the floor. "What is the plan?"

"The plan is for us to go there and check it out first, apparently is a one-way in and out so you and Caleb are very likely needed to go in with the Xenophian mode that you guys built," he said with a smirk.

I groaned. "But that mode is so uncomfortable," I whined. "Though, it is very cool to have but so uncomfortable."

Owen grinned. "You guys built it, might as well put it to use," he said before looking around. "Have you seen the love birds?"

I shook my head. "Probably cock pit considering we are getting close," I said as Owen nodded before walking in the direction of the cock pit.

Soon, we landed on a red rocky planet that was literally next to the edge of the galaxy. "So, where is this base?" Echo asked as we all stepped off the spaceship.

Psychic adventureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz