Chapter 21

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A week passed and it was the day to get the third batch of people. We have been working on the collars almost non-stop since that day and everyone from the first batch of people are collared and Aurora and Maya have been helping as well.

Jake and Aurora are in charge of training the people back up to their original while Maya's abilities are helpful to Caleb in mass-creating parts to precision. Blake and I are currently on the spaceship heading to the same place again.

I sat at the normal corner table when I was with Caleb while looking out the window and Blake sat on the opposite side of me.

"I feel more anger I come onto this spaceship, I kinda wonder, why?" I said as I stared at the window with nothing but darkness and streaks of white.

I could see the corner of Blake's mouth twitch. "The last time I was on this spaceship, I was bounded so tightly that couldn't move and can't use my ability," he grumbled which made me purse my lips to not smile.

The spaceship started slowing down and I knew we are close to the planet. "Blake, follow me," I said in common language as I stood up before walking to the entrance with him closely behind.

I stood by the door with my arms crossed and eyes closed, almost like I was thinking about something extremely hard. The creaking sound of the spaceship door made me open my eyes and see the familiar ship but this time there are two of them with two people standing in the middle of both of them.

I pressed my arms lightly to start recording. "And here I wondered how many people they managed to capture," I said while walking down quite behind the leader.

"I'm more curious as to how they were all captured since most of ours are jumped by people but with the higher security, it should be different, right?" Blake asked.

"No clue," I said back while looking at Blackwood and Kelper staring behind me with bright eyes which I knew was Blake. "But, I hope you are prepared to be stared at and act because I doubt they will stop doing it."

"I already hate them and am fully prepared to kill them," he growled lowly before pausing in front of them.

Blackwood looked between me and Blake. "Is that the collar I assumed?" Blackwood asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

I nodded. "Yes, It would be a good idea to show you the results over the months to reassure you that we are indeed working, after all, you are our value partners," I said with a soft smile.

"Can I take control of him now?" Kelper asked with excitement in his voice.

I shook my head. "Sadly no, he is currently helping me to create the hundreds of collars that you requested, it is easier to tell people what to do when they are completely obedient, after all," I said with a smile as they looked slightly disappointed. "But, currently is already showing results that he is completely obedient considering the words you said will make anyone yell."

"Did you command him to stay quiet?" Blackwood asked curiously while looking at Blake who I have no doubt is glaring back at him.

I nodded. "Of course, I do want him to be constantly cursing by my ear, he will answer me if I asked him a question thought," I looked at Blake with a smile. "I did command you to stay silent, right?"

"Yes, you did," Blake replied almost immediately before I looked back at the grinning fools.

The leader stepped forward. "With that assured, I assumed you have your batch ready?" he said with a smile.

Blackwood nodded. "Of course, they are all inside the two spaceships," he gestured behind him before keeping an eye on Blake again.

The leader nodded before looking around. "You guys know what to do," he looked at me. "You can go back to the spaceship and rest, I know it hasn't been easy on you."

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