Chapter 18

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2 weeks have gone by with both of us throwing ourselves into our respective work, we do often banter and tease each other during this time whenever we are bored. Caleb was learning all he could about the Xenophian's rune magic and how to do engineering with it while I was learning the programming that connects the runes to the program and how to hack around it.

I also started removing some of the mental inducement on Caleb much to his relief since he was acting more like a Xenophian now. As for our prisoners, they are at least not glaring at us most of the time anymore while I think some of the older or smarter ones are figuring out that we are not true Xenophian.

We plunk out about an hour or two to spend with Zethra and Vaxir's friend to gain more intelligence about the situation but besides that, we spent more time in the lab than anything else. We also have been sending Owen and Echo weekly reports about the situation on our side which is going pretty well I would say but they seem to have trouble with the organization about our situation.

We were worried for them but we are in no position to help them if we can't help ourselves, thus we can only send our silent support to them as we all figure it out together. The loud banging on the metal sliding door made me jump and broke my concentration completely.

I leaned back in my chair while glaring at the screen, annoyed that all the ideas I had had completely disappeared. The banging started again and I noticed that Caleb was also annoyed, I decided that this was the perfect time to test my abilities as a Xenophian.

I stood up and walked towards the door while pulling Zethra's skills for combat to my mind and glaring at the door. The banging started again while I pressed the opened door panel and saw a male starting on the opposite side of the door.

I grabbed his collar and threw him inside the room with all my might before jumping onto him. I put my claws around his neck just enough to penetrate his skin while I continued to glare and bare my teeth at him.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting our work because we were in the middle of a very productive session and you ruined it with your multiple banging," I growled lowly.

The male grabbed my wrist and I put pressure on his throat which made him stop moving completely. "The leader has a message," he gasped out.

I removed my hand but still sat on top of him with my arms crossed. "What is the message?" I asked lowly since he had a good reason.

"Next week, they have a new request for the deal about your project," he said with fear in his voice.

I raised an eyebrow. "Time and Date?"

"Exactly a week from now in the morning, please let me live," he begged weekly.

I stood up and stepped to the side. "Get out," I said bluntly before he bolted out the door nearly on all fours.

I sighed and walked over to close the door before looking at Caleb looking at me. "What?"

"Are you alright?"

I nodded before glancing at the people in the cells. "Yeah, never better actually, I'm going to the experiment room," I said simply with a smile before walking over to the experiment room as I had something in mind.

I walked in and was immediately blinded again whenever I come in here. The experiment room is just a giant room white room with one wall having 3 different tracks down from the ceiling which I assumed are for the pods or cages.

I turned around to see another control panel screen with an array of weapons on the same wall as the door, directly opposite the tracks. "What are you doing?" Caleb asked after he came in and shut the door.

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