Norix laughed. "Of course, I'm gonna be more surprised if he doesn't come with you," he turned to leave. "Meet in the docking room an hour after lunch hours."

"Got it!" I yelled loudly in excitement while my mind in going anywhere but excitement and wonder. "Caleb, there is more to this place than I thought and I don't think I want to leave just yet."

"What did you find? The people in the engineering sectors are so much smarter than I originally thought, I don't mind spending a while more here," he said with a hint of excitement that I was not feeling.

I pursed my lips slightly as I let the bug hide in my palm. "I will tell you during lunch, you are too far away for me to control your emotion properly and I also need the others to know about this," I said before continuing my work.

"It's that bad? Alright then," he said solemnly before I told Owen a similar thing about needing to tell an important news.

After an hour or so, I entered and looked around the cafeteria before spotting Caleb already had my food in a corner. "So, just a warning, this will be shocking news but is not completely confirmed and I don't want it to be ever," I said to the team as I walked over to Caleb.

Caleb looked over at me and smiled before pushing the tray over while I sat down. "So, what is this news?" he asked.

I pursed my lips. "Summary of the conversation I had with another Xenophian, someone will be meeting us soon and I'm taking Caleb with me, this person is from the high society and will be bringing a batch of talents that is comparable to the Spaceship Aurora incident," I explained quickly while firmly suppressing Caleb emotion before I started eating my food.

The link was quiet as both Caleb and I ate in silence. "Do you know where they are?" Echo asked quietly with clear vulnerability.

I swallowed another mouth of food. "The exact place? No, the rough place? Outside of the Aureus galaxy and probably in the depths of their territory," I replied quietly. "Echo, don't do something dumb, I want to do it with you."

Echo laughed slightly. "I'm not surprised by that but I'm surprised that you haven't been caught after knowing this," she said and I could imagine her smiling slightly.

I finished my food. "I want to know who this person is more than I want to know about that event," I looked at Caleb with a sweet smile. "Vaxir, later I'm meeting with someone important, come with me?" I asked sweetly while wrapping myself around his arm.

He looked down at me and smiled as well. "Of course, I can't wait to meet this important person," he said lovingly while his emotion is something else. "Let's head back to our room, shall we?"

I nodded hard. "Sure, the meeting is one hour after lunch hours anyway, we have plenty of time," I said before we got up and threw away the trey before walking back. "Right, we will be meeting this important person in an hour, video or audio?"

"Best video if you see this person," Owen said as we enter our room. "I don't think this is the reason that this was a secret mission and sent such a new team to deal with."

I sat on the bed with my back against the wall before touching my arm. "I need help going through information as well, I got into the main system and downloaded everything and threw it into the system," Caleb sat down beside me and I glanced at him. "Depending on this meeting, we will see if we are planning to stay longer or not," I glanced at the bathroom where two Xenophian is in. "As much as I want to stay, I really hope not since tempering memories is not my strongest suit yet."

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