Housing an Ex-Criminial; How Bad Can It Be?

Start from the beginning

"Tea," She said, passing each person a teacup.

They thanked her and drank silently.

Usually, moments like these made Mari question the world hated them so much. 

Then, Danny sighed before asking this particular question. 

"Uh, Bella?"

"Yes, Danny?" Bellatrix said sweetly. 

There was a difference between Bellatrix's sweetness and "sweetness," and Mari was glad she figured out which was it.

"No offense, but... Has your family been..."

"Crazy? I mean, we do have the Black Family Madness going around. Plus, we do have an incest history in-"

"Ew, we didn't need to know that," Harry expressed, downright disgusted. Katheren, although silent, agrees that it is nasty. (After all, her face said so.)

Shade had a soured face, and Mari mentally screamed profanity at Bella.  

"Never tell us that, ever again," Katheren threatened, and Bella shrugged.

"What? It's true-"

"But some of us want to keep our innocence," Katheren points out, to which Bella shrugs again.


"Anyway, changing to the subject, I do have another question. But it's one that we all need to figure out," Shade said.

They all turn to face Shade, and he says, "How is Bella going to hide still if all of us are at Hogwarts? I mean, Lucius often visits the house to check if it's still standing-"

"Wait, he does that?" Mari asked, not believing in Shade.

"Yes, Lucius told me one time when everyone was eating dinner. Plus, we had to hide Bella away from Willow. What if Willow discovers her?"

No one spoke. They didn't think that far into the future.

"Shade, how long before we all go back to school?" Katheren asked, and Shade answered, "In five weeks."

"Okay, so, here's what we're going to do: We'll have to relocate Bella-"

"Absolutely not!" Bellatrix shouted, and Mari groaned, knowing things would get heated. 

"Bella, this is the only way-"

"I think not! Who knows what would happen if I'm not around."

"Bellatrix Lestrange, you're one of Voldemort's 'powerful, loyal' servants. You can protect yourself without needing to try!"

"That may be true, but what about all of you?! What if someone from his side tries to kill you??!!"

"No offense, Bella, but Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall can protect us if anyone tries to kill us-"

"I mean, most of the time..." Shade added, and Mari wanted to smack him silly.

"See, that's my point! You four aren't all 'protected.' Hogwarts may be different now, but-"

"But nothing. We'll have to discuss this later. Harry already looks like she's about to explode."

And by the looks of it, it was true. Harry did indeed look like she was about to explode.

Oh, fun fact, Bellatrix is among the few that know Harry's true gender. The thing is- the four didn't even bother trying to hide it. Of course, they were skeptical, but they figured Bella wouldn't tell since she created an oath to protect them and keep all their secrets. 

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