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Song: Best day of my life by American Authors


~ Asher Alexander De Luca ~

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~ Asher Alexander De Luca ~

Five years later:

"How are you feeling?" My perfect husband asks as he brushes my hair out of my face.

"Pain killers are wearing off but I feel great despite the bit of pain... It's worth it, I think I finally feel..."

"Don't you dare say real, you are my boy, my best friend, my universe, and you have always been real. Even before testosterone, even before top surgery, you have always been real. All the hormones and surgery does is make your exterior appearance match who you are inside. I will say the same thing I said when you told me that you're not a 'real boy' five years ago, you are just as real as I am. I love you so much my sweet boy."

"I love you too babe. Do you know where my parents are?"


"Speaking of the scary mother in law ... I'm going to go make you some tea and grab your heating pad." Nico suddenly says as Dahlia and Alessandro enter the room.

"Wimp." I mumble why grinning at the sight of my retreating husband. "Hey mom."

"Hello sweetie, your dad and I bought groceries that should last you and that husband of yours a few weeks. Andy is bringing them in now."

"Thank you... Mom?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm great... I just want to say thank you."

"For what honey?" She asked curiously.

"For loving me when you definitely didn't have to."

"Asher, you make loving you easy, I think that's one thing Domenico and I can agree on. I should be thanking you for letting me be your mom."

Five years ago I was being shifted around from foster home to foster home, never grasping the idea of family.

Five years ago I was moved to my biological family, where I was convinced I wouldn't stay.

Five years ago I discovered the true meaning of family.

Five years ago I built a relationship with my dad.

Five years ago I met the love of my life.

Five years ago I started hormone replacement therapy.

Four years ago I gained a mom.

Three years ago my entire family moved out of Las Vegas, Nevada and to Bellevue, Washington. Away from the awful memories that surround that state.

Two years ago I finally figured out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I didn't realize how much I was suffering before therapy and hormones. I want to be able to help other kids like myself, whether it's a gender therapist or a child psychiatrist that specializes in trans kids.. I'm not entirely sure just yet.

One year ago Domenico decided it would be hilarious to bring me back to Vegas and get me drunk, and what do two drunk people in their early twenties do? They get married.

Little do they know, I didn't even drink much. I've been around it so much growing up and it always ended with me being hurt, the smell started to get to me. We still had a good time, even though we ended up in a hotel room doing other things instead of drinking as much as we claimed.

One year ago my mom almost murdered my husband for marrying me in Vegas.

One year ago my dad threatened to let my mom murder my husband for marrying me in Vegas.

Eight hours ago I got top surgery.

My life has only ever been downhill, I was beginning to wonder if it would kill me before I ever got to see the end of a very long tunnel.

I once believed I was cursed.

Maybe I deserve everything the world kept throwing at me, maybe I did something at some point and I deserved the pain that followed.

Now I know that's not the case, it's not like some higher power was punishing me for whatever may have occurred in a past life, which when I think back on it... That was a really stupid thing to think.

I handled it, but just because I could handle it doesn't mean I deserved it, and now that I'm laying in this bed surrounded by the people I love the most and the people who love me, I've come to a single conclusion.

Even the Unknown Brother can get his happy ending.

** The End **

[Words: 726]
[Edited: March 14, 2024]

Unknown Brother ✔️ (rewriting soon)Where stories live. Discover now