Episode 10 Granbelm Episode 2: Why We are Here

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//Gamer's Gear speaking//
"[Ddraig speaking]"
'[Ddraig thinking]'
"<Bahamut speaking>"
'<Bahamut thinking>'

-the following morning-

It was peaceful morning after the events of last night, as if nothing happened at all...or is it?

Mangetsu slowly stirred awake and finally woke up. And to her horror...she was naked as the day she was born! "Huh!? Wha...EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!? What, what?! What's going on?! What is this? Wat eez dees?" asked the utterly spooked and confused pinkette in fright. Suddenly a door opened and girl wearing a bathrobe entered. "You're awake?" asked the girl. "Who are you?" asked Mangetsu warily as the girl took off the towel wrapped around her head and it was none other than Shingetsu. "Shingetsu?" asked Mangetsu shocked. "Do you want to take a bath?" asked Shingetsu getting to use the hair dryer as Mangetsu stared in disbelief and looked at the clock. "It's morning already..." muttered the pinkette.

-shortly after that-


"Hey, are you both okay?" asked James outside Shingetsu's home door. "James?" asked Mangetsu hearing his voice. "Yes we are, but Mangetsu's going to take a bath soon, so it would be inappropriate for you to enter for the moment." said Shingetsu realizing that James was outside. "It's okay, i'll wait." replied James respectfully. "<What a gentleman you are...heh. A lot of women will surely like you and would to marry you for that personality!>" laughed Bahamut teasingly as James grumbled. "I might be a gentleman sometimes, but even a gentleman has it's limits you hear? So don't tease me!" growled James with a scowl plastered over his face. //Good going moron.// chided Gamer's Gear annoyed as Bahamut just snorted in amusement.

-Opening Theme: Tsuki wo ou Mayonaka -T.V. size version- by Eir Aoi-

-a few minutes later-

James along with Mangetsu and Shingetsu soon found themselves where the Kohinata residence was a bunch of police were at the door asking where Mangetsu had gone while her little sister was crying over her disappearance. "This is bad! This is so, so bad!" cried Mangetsu in fright as James knew that Mangetsu was now in hot water. Then Mangetsu checked her phone and saw a lot of missed calls. "I guess that's no surprise..." whimpered the pinkette as Shingetsu had a look of confusion. "What's so bad?" asked Shingetsu curious, "We came back here last night, but you were so deeply asleep..." added the raven haired girl in a matter of fact tone. "We didn't want to wake you up you know." added James sheepishly while scratching his cheek. "You both should've woken me up! No matter deeply asleep i was!" yelled Mangetsu with comical tears. "Then again, it was the middle of the night, so it'd still be bad..." added the pinkette in defeat.

Shingetsu then peeked from the wall. "Your little sister is crying. Shouldn't you hurry up over there?" commented the ravenette. "She must be feeling upset since you left to get a lunchbox." added James with a sigh. "I know! If i do, everyone will be so happy! They'll all cry and hug me!" yelled Mangetsu wanting to assure her worried family but then immediately had a worried expression. "But the problem is what comes after that..." added Mangetsu in worry. "It is?" asked Shingetsu confused. "Hoo boy...how right you are Mangetsu..." mused James with a sigh as Mamgetsu faced both of them. "What?" "What is it?" asked Shingetsu and James in confusion. "I have...a favor to ask!" requested Mangetsu with a comical tear filled look. "Ughhh..." sighed James knowing what was gonna happen next.

-soon a short while after. Kohinata residence.-

"So this girl was sick, and you feel asleep while looking after her?" asked Mrs Kohinata while Mangetsu's little sister was pouting angrily. "Yep!" Mangetsu replied with a nod. "And your phone?" asked Mrs Kohinata quite stern. "I had it in silent mode! i didn't want to wake her up you know?" replied Mangetsu while making a lie. "And this young man?" asked Mrs Kohinata looking at James next to Mangetsu's right. "Uhhh...i kinda wanted to help your daughter out? I mean it's not wrong to help others right? ehehehehe..." chuckled James also making an excuse. '[Hyuk nyuk, good use of making an excuse James!]' laughed Ddraig mentally as Mangetsu looked at Shingetsu sheepishly as the ravenette crossed her fingers underneath the table. 'She manipulated the magnetic field...thanks for the save Shingetsu.' thought James while thanking Shingetsu internally.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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