Episode 4: James the Spellblade Master.

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//Gamer's Gear speaking//
"[Ddraig speaking]"
'[Ddraig thinking]'
"<Bahamut speaking>"
'<Bahamut thinking>'

(A day later...)

-James' mindscape and the Gamer's Dungeon-

"Hah...! hah...! Yah...! Eyaah! ugh...this is getting a little heavy..." James cursed after swinging Laevatein several times and was starting to feel the weight of the greatsword. "<Is there something the matter James? You've been swinging that sword for several minutes, and from the looks of it you haven't made any progress.>" questioned Bahamut looking at him. "I'm trying to increase my skill in the sword, but like you said: i'm not making any progress." James replied with a bitter sigh and sat down. "<Hmmm...shall i train you?>" asked Bahamut with a grin that interested James. "Train me? can you do that?" asked James now getting interested. "<Why of course. You might think i'm a spearmaster, but my spear can change into a sword. And you might not know this...but i am far more skilled in the ways of the blade than the spear.>" explained Bahamut as his spear changed into a sword. "Alright. let's train." James then felt rejuvenated and quickly held Laevatein in front and readied himself.

-Opening Theme: FIRE!! -T.V. size version- by Kouji Wada (R.I.P.)-

"En Garde! YAAARRRGGGHHH!!!" James screamed as charged towards Bahamut who merely blocked the slash and began swinging his sword to block another slash. "<Interesting...>" Bahamut began as he swung his sword which James blocked but pushed him a few feet away from the force of the swing, "<Your style is a mix of kendo and some sword styles using swords and greatswords...but you lack finesse, all you have is force.>" mused Bahamut as he observed James' sword style which he somewhat criticized angering James upon hearing that. "You think my sword style is shit!? I'll make you eat those words!" screamed James livid charging towards Bahamut once more and was able to push the dragon a few feet away as well. "<No James. All i am saying is that you have no finesse and grace in your sword style, force is good, but a sword style is lacking without finesse and grace. Right now your style needs a lot of polishing.>" Bahamut lectured as he and James' swords clashed. "Then...how do i do it then? It's so hard to swing a sword with grace and finesse...i need help..." James whimpered calming down somewhat. "<I will help you. Now pick up yourself and focus with all your heart and sould and pour those feelings into that blade!>" comforted Bahamut giving words of wisdom to James who listened and quickly did a few sword swings and attacks which even surprised him from seeing how his attacks greatly improved.

"<You see James? A true swordsman never lets his anger get the best of him, let your heart and mind be calm as water, and with those words of mine that reach to you...take those words to heart.>" lectured Bahamut as James calmly nodded and readied himself again. "<But remember: let your heart and mind not be controlled or dictated by anger when using your sword, channel the anger and turn it into strength to protect what you care most! That is one of the many lessons i shall teach you in what it means to be a true swordsman.>" added Bahamut as James nodded and listened well. "I will. I will take your words and lessons to heart! Now! Here i come!! YYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" agreed James charging towards Bahamut once more.

(Approximately 17 hours of training later...)

"Hahh...gahh...heh. I did it, i finally was able to break your defenses." James gasped while holding Laevatein and Ascalon at the same time. "<Impressive James. in just 17 hours you have gained immense progress as a swordsman, now it is time to learn some extremely important techniques that have been overshadowed by many: The Spellblade.>" congratulated Bahamut while explaining new stuff. "The Spellblade? you mean the sword techniques that utilize magic?" James asked now getting intrigued. "<Correct. first we master the basic Spellblade techniques, first are the elemental Spellblades. Now, channel the power of fire into the blade of Laevatein!>" commanded Bahamut as James first dissmissed Ascalon and focused fire magic into the blade of Laevatein until the blade was engulfed into a fiery aura. "<Now. Unleash the flames on that rock over there!>" commanded Bahamut as James shouted and slashed the rock with the flaming Laevaetin leaving burn marks on the stone.

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