Chapter 4: Attraction

Start from the beginning

"You ought to dress elegant and sexy at the same time. You know there will be a lot of celebrities, it's a popular season here in Barcelona." She informed me and then winked my way.
"Maybe it's time for you to take a fresh breath, with someone new.." her voice, comforting and her hands softly touch her hair straps.

Find someone? I laugh, only in the thought. I have been single for too long.

"I do not want to." I answer with certaincy.
"Forget it, you clearly don't realise that I'm not looking forward to making out with Some random dude." I exhale heavily while I stand on my feet walking after towards the closet which stands to be a whole house.

She stands up while she strolls my way.

"So there Is a specific dude? Like.. Let me think.." her face pretends of pondering.
"Lewis Hamilton?" Mentioning his name for the tenth time on the day after my statement.

"No." I reply, eyes of seriousness.

An evil grin forms on her expression and then I follow her figure and she gets up, moves towards my frame. Afterwards she opens the closet for me, few minutes pass and she comes out holding a hanger with a special black dress on it.

A magnificent elegant black dress which has and opening in the middle of the chest that created a visible half triangle between the breasts.

I giggle and stand up, took the dress from her and moved forward to change, she kept working on her appearance after the help she handed to me.

The rest of the accessories I found them myself inside the mess on the room. Combining the fancy dress with see through tights wand a brand name written all over them, my black Versace Medusa aevitas platforms, and also my black Dior bag.

My hair and make up already fit the outfit so I didn't made any conversations on my outfits for the night.

In no time Diana was dressed and ready with an entire other appearance, in no time we were soon back in her car with the driver steered the vehicle to our destination.

Elation made me go over the moon, reckoning I will spend some quality time with Diana when we haven't went to a club for ages with all this work which needed to be finished.

"Okay so what is the mindset for tonight?" My best friend Asked me only to remind my brain, one last time.

"Not to hit the headlines by doing something incredible stupid." My eyes roll in an exasperate manner.

"Keep up with the nice work Victoria, and don't do anything stupid. Besides that, let's party!" She speaks in a higher tone getting out of the car, allowing me to follow her steps behind, following her inside as she leads.

Here, tonight the place is going to be stucked with familiar people, celebrities and friends from work. I wouldn't expect anything less since it's our celebration night, our usual party time after a long race, and as I've been informed the party was hosted in the same club. Being obedient and not attempting anything I'll surely regret.

The minute I set foot in the building my ears are constantly filled witha scent of alcohol and a strong smell of smoking cigarettes. The lights are off, only specific colours show off and the people inside clearly. I take my guesses, this place is going to get wild in about 1 hour, 40 minutes and 27 seconds.

My gape travel around every single person in, Paparazzi discreetly taking secret photos of me announcing my arrival besides my best friend as we stroll towards our reserved spot over at the bar counter with the assistance of a servant.

I could already detect the presence of some local friends and coworkers as well as my boss Toto.

Diana doesn't mind and continues to saunter towards the bar carelessly waving to some of her colleagues. All eyes on me as my coworkers burn me with their gazes from head to toe, I keep my head to the ground ignoring the faces of pure surprisement.

On top of that, Their stares made me uncomfortable, It's unusual seeing me in a feminine dress when they have grow to accustom me in race-suits or casual T-shirts. A petronas perfecrly pitched black race suit with certain neon blue attachments.

"Hola hermosa que puedo conseguir para ti?" The bardener asks the moment we stand in front of the bar.
'Hello beautiful what will you take?'

I gave a quick glance of ensureness at Diana noticing how she drooled over this man, loving his hot Spanish accent and those curls falling softly on his upper brow under the lights of the place.

"Una botella de champán para mí y mi bella amiga." I answered him in Spanish, a smirk and a playful wink combining my friendly attitude.
-One bottle with champaign for me and my beautiful friend..

My friends mouth drops to the floor, startled from my accent and knowledge of the language, something I dismissed to inform her off.

"I see." He replies in English but still a Spanish accent and I give him a wicked grin full of a challenge look.

I felt something in me starting to twist, like an unexpectable flame that fired my entire body by someone's fixedly look. Was it in my head? But it was there, I sense it steadily sticking to me. I said nothing, swallowing this sensation.

Diana confused, observed me in disbelief and then at the bardener. By the way she glanced at me I could sense her questioning of our entire friendship.

In fact she isn't acquainted with a lot details about my life ,despite our 9 year friendship. Speaking Spanish is the least of my secrets.

"You know Spanish?" Says Diana, looking super confused.
"How I didnt know that you speak Spanish!" She yells at me and I gaze back at her with a weird grin on my face. We grab our drinks and head for an empty seat on the counter, also sharing a conversation.

"There is a lot of things you do not know about me apperantly." I respond.

In the meanwhile I begun to feel someone's gaze on my body more often than usual. Burning me to sin.

"Since when do you know Spanish?" Diana request answers from me consequently, questioning again, until she reaches for a reply.

I roll my eyes, now irritated with this constant wonders.
"Please Diana stop the irrigations. We are here to enjoy ourselves and have a break, to be honest I saw the way you were looking at that bardener, you should go for it." I change the subject quite easily, taking a sip of my drink.

She gulps some champagne of her crystal glass and replies after she's done.
"Whatever." Her voice uninterested, even if she was keen on the idea at first.

My heart raced.

"Yeah whatever. We should-" she stopped me before I said a really nice line I thought about a couple minutes trying to play it sophisticated..

"Oh my god. You won't believe it." Her voice is against my ear in a pitch high tone with short cut words and eyes that point a certain place. Her concentration was stuck there, I could feel her excitement rising in an overdose of adrenaline.

"What is it?"

"Adrian fucking Del Angelo is staring you. And not just looking, but checking out!" Her smile at this moment is brighter than my future, looking elavated at me despite Adrian being her attract bate.

In an instant, I noticed the way this pair of eyes were the one making my heart pound and my innner self overwhelmed.


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