Blood and Ice /Aemond Targaryen x Viking!Reader/

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Summary: The mysterious North. Kept all Seven Kingdoms in fear, what could be lurking beyond the ice and snow? No one knew. Then their biggest fear emerged from the snow and ice, a new Kingdom, called itself the Eighth. Kings came together, forming plans to destroy this new rising Kingdom, but they failed to realize its true strength. An entire nation of warriors, bred from blood on the battlefield. All fearless and brutal, no one could crush them, so the Seven Kingdoms had to realize, if they wish to live, they will have to kneel in front of the people who called themselves the Vikings.

Notes: Warnings: mention of blood, murder, war, battle, torture

The North has always been a mysterious place for all Kingdoms, some never even dared to go close to its borders, the cold and harsh weather was enough to scare even the bravest soldiers away.

When the Vikings emerged from the North, all Kings held a meeting.

And they all agreed on one thing, they couldn't let this rising Kingdom become one.

Eighth? No one heard of such a ridiculous thing.

Armies were sent, the best of the best.

No one returned.

King Targaryen send his own brother, Daemon with his dragon to finally end this all.

Daemon barely made it back in one piece. He had been burnt and his dragon, Caraxes was lost in the war. Daemon never spoke of the horrors he saw.

The Kings were lost, who can you send when the best had been killed?

The Vikings proved their worth, not bowing down to any King, and so Vicerys invited their King to Red Keep.

All Seven were ready to give up and Vicerys, in order to lead the example for peace, invited the Viking King.

"We cannot and will not eat with the people who killed our own!"

"I agree! King Vicerys, you must reconsider! At least we should plan a trap, invite them and kill them here!" all lords argued with the decision.

"No one will kill anyone! We lost so many, too many! We will invite them, and celebrate their place as the Eight Kingdom, my son shall wed the King's daughter if he has one."

Aemond felt a shiver run down his spine, marry a Viking? He looked at his mother who avoided his eye.

But Vicerys had a plan, since the Vikings were so strong, they would be a great ally. And if his son marries the Princess, it will surely put such a strong army on his side.

Even if he wasn't the only one with a plan like this. He had heard the Vikings have been to previous Kingdoms before they accepted the invitation of Vicerys.

The King was to arrive soon, Red Keep was ready, Kings Landing was ready.

They arrived riding horses with such armor, no one has ever seen anything like that.

They arrived, looking just as fierce as the stories made them out to be. Sounds of horns following their path.

They had their weapons, furs and leather.

Vicerys sat on his throne, waiting for the king.

Two young men arrived inside, the King was confused, where is the Viking King he requested?

He was ready to speak up when a woman walked in, following her a long fur as she walked over to stand in the middle of the room, she didn't talk as she looked around, seeing Daemon.

"Dragon riders." she finally said, with an accent no one heard before. Daemon heart it, though. The exact same voice who did this to him. "I remember you. Trying to burn us all, but I forgive you." you looked Daemon in the eyes as he nodded.

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