A Promise /Aegon II Targaryen/

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Summary: The birth of your first child.

You had a bad feeling at the start, you knew you shouldn't have come, being so close to your due date, it was a risk. But you also knew your cravings were insane as of late. So, when your husband mentioned a trip to a nearby country, one that you knew had that chocolate thing, you just had to go.

You ate so much chocolate, you nearly threw up.

Worth it.

On your way back though, everything went sideways and yours and your husband's worry came true.

You were in labour and home was weeks away.

You knew better than to panic. You let out long breaths which Aegon noticed.

"I think we should stop for the night." you said as you looked up at Aegon. "I think your child decided to finally come out."

"NOW?!" he yelled.

"Yes, stop them. Let them build a tent and I'll do it here."

Aegon did as he was told.

Will you really give birth right here? Without a nurse or anyone? Wait, did that mean that he will have to help you?

The King hasn't heard of anything like that before.

You groaned as Aegon just stood there. Of course, he would have no clue on what to do.

Thankfully, you asked way too many questions and the nurse was happy to answer. So, you had a general idea on what to expect and what to do.

"Ask them for hot water and cloths. Many cloths, I don't care if they have to cut up my dresses." Aegon nodded and soon you heard him bark orders at his men.

You took deep breaths as each wave of pain struck. Each one more and more powerful.

"I will need your help Aegon."

"Okay. What should I do?" he was panicking, shaking and unsure. But he knew he needed to help.

"Remind me to breathe, to push when I need to." You nodded as he moved over, closer to you. "And please, no matter what happens, do not let go of my hand. And you will have to cut the... thing... I forgot the name but once the baby's out there will be a... thing to their belly. You will have to tie it off and cut it, you have your knife right?" he nodded once more. "Okay." it was your turn to nod as you groaned once. "I'll be fine, the baby will be fine, you will be fine." you told him and he made a face.

"I'm supposed to calm you not the other way around."

"It helps me calm down if I calm you down."

"Okay." there was a knock on the carriage as Aegon went and grabbed the water and the cloths.

Everyone just stood outside some of them getting your tent ready so you can sleep after.

You let out a long breath before moving to a crouching position, hands groping the seat while Aegon moved with you like water.

You looked into his eyes.

"You have to promise me you won't look. Many women told me that men are not allowed to because if they saw... they will never touch their wife again."

"That's silly. I love you." he was just glad at that point that you didn't mention the worst case scenario. As if you were reading his mind, you spoke up.

"I'm not dying in a carriage while giving birth. You can bet on that Aegon." he smiled

You laughed a little but then, pain hit and soon, it was time.

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